1. Really Really Free Markets
  2. Help your neighbors without homes
  3. Support prisoners
  4. Local currencies and credit systems
  5. Land repatriation
  6. Protect each other
  7. Mutual aid
  8. Food Not Bombs
  9. Civil disobedience
  10. Take to the streets
  11. Jury nullification
  12. Cooperative businesses
  13. Clean up your community
  14. Community workshops and skill-sharing
  15. Try a little kindness
  • JacobCoffinWrites@slrpnk.net
    1 year ago

    This is really cool - my current town doesn’t have anything to this scale, but we have an awesome Everything is Free Facebook group which operates 24-7, and people regularly organize free ‘yard sales’ through it, where many households in a neighborhood will all give stuff away on the same day. I’d love to see something on the flea market scale of the events they talk about in the zine someday, but I’m also proud of how effective and consistent the online group is.