According to a recently published article in the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant, the EU executive launched last month a micro-targeting campaign to push its proposal in the countries that did not support the text in the EU Council of Ministers.

The campaign was run on X (formerly Twitter). The platform subsequently censored Danny Mekić, the author of the article, without providing an explanation.

The countries concerned are the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Slovenia, Portugal, and the Czech Republic, and the ads have been viewed more than four million times. According to Mekić, they showed “shocking images of young girls alongside sinister-looking men” with “ominous music".

  • MentalEdge
    11 months ago

    What in the fuck. It’s a bullshit law that in reality makes encrypted communication illegal and seeks to make europe-wide mass surveillance possible with a BS “think of the children” excuse. Nevermind that criminals will just keep using the then illegal encrypted communication systems because to them it’s just one more crime while the rest of us law-abiding citizens lose literally all our rights to private communication.

    This law won’t protect kids, but it WILL be the first step towards nothing ever being private ever again. Making encryption illegal is such as stupid idea I’m shocked it’s even being considered, but hey, the UK brought it up so I guess the rest of us have to deal with this shit now, too.

    Political ad-campaigning to push this type of shit should be illegal. Legislation should pass/fail on its own merits alone, not based on how many uninformed fools saw an emotionally manipulative picture on twitter.

    • @[email protected]
      1611 months ago

      Not only should this be illegal but any law discovered to be pushed by propaganda should automatically fail the law-making process and have to restart from scratch.

    • bedrooms
      1411 months ago

      As I reiterate, the only thing this law will achieve is autocrats spy on journalists.

      • MentalEdge
        1011 months ago

        Amen. People who put forward the “we should have nothing to hide” argument forget that journalism and whistle-blowing need secrecy, too.

        Total transparency is for the government, not the people.

        Gonna be real fun when companies can’t securely communicate about industry secrets, either. Or therapists and doctors have their communications with patients leaked.

        Like holy shit this whole thing is so fucking backwards.

        • bedrooms
          11 months ago

          Well, it’ll be even funnier when Anonymous starts disclosing politicians’ communications with their lovers.

  • @CookieJarObserver
    1111 months ago

    Sounds loke there is the need for a ECJ investigation.

  • Onii-Chan
    611 months ago

    Not that long ago, these people would have started worrying about their heads suddenly detaching from their bodies. What the fuck is happening to the world when so few people give a shit about their own freedoms? Privacy is a universal right, but it’s been eroded so rapidly over the last ten years. I just can’t understand how nobody automatically considers the catastrophic downsides of oppressive laws like this.

    I guess the fuckers at the top won.