I’ve been following the conversation and science about the collapse, and it seems to me like there are more and more people in unrelated communities that seem to be accepting the fact that the way we currently live is unsustainable and will lead to an eventual collapse. I feel like even a couple of months ago, if anyone posted a comment here on Lemmy that mentioned collapse, they’d be laughed out of the room. Now, however, I am constantly seeing comments alluding to it. So what are your thoughts? Are more people starting to take it more seriously?

  • @Varyk
    128 months ago

    I don’t think people are taking it seriously yet, but I think that the cumulative effect of so many global catastrophes and warning signs is getting harder to ignore.

    Have you read the Adam and Eve story?

    • DomilleOP
      38 months ago

      Oh I definitely don’t think people are taking it seriously yet, and totally agree with you that the climate change headlines are getting harder to ignore even for someone who knows nothing about what is happening with the planet. I hope that people will wake up sooner rather than later, but I don’t actually think it’ll happen until it is way too late.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Most people won’t start taking it seriously until it effects their food supply. Indeed by then they’ll already be beyond fucked.

      • @Varyk
        18 months ago

        I’m also thinking about the North magnetic pole shifting faster each year, and hoping it doesn’t signal a reversal, although it is a startling coincidence that at the same time it looks like the inner core of the Earth is slowing down, stopped or reversing.

        The Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas. If you’re interested in global collapses or resets, this book reads in large part like a scientific treatise on recurrent global events that we haven’t lived through yet.

        It’s not definitive or properly sourced of course, but it’s an interesting read.

      • @Varyk
        28 months ago

        Non sequitur. Why?

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago

    I think the headlines reaching national news outlets about the insane temperature records set the last few years, the damage to infrastructure from natural disasters around the globe, and the scientific community coming together to beg for a modicum of change on behalf of the planet has made things generally impossible to ignore.

    This is purely anecdotal, but in my circle of friends and family I’ve had people asking me about climate-related news for the first time this year. Again, just my personal experience.

  • @[email protected]
    18 months ago

    I don’t think average jackoffs are paying enough attention to notice, but the younger generations and information seekers are well aware. I’ve observed the same as OP amongst lemmy communities. But I consider lemmy users to be more intelligent/aware than average people.

  • Sentient Loom
    08 months ago

    Society is always collapsing and growing at the same time. Lots of people lived normal lives during the collapse of the Roman Empire.

    But we’ve had such a boom since industrialization, and we will eventually run out of oil. So we will either have a radical transformation away from oil or supply lines will collapse. It might actually become hard to feed people in many cities.

    And if the climate collapses then we don’t even know how bad it can get.

    I take it seriously but I don’t know what to do about it. I actually think the solution is more technology. We basically find ourselves in a situation where we have to invent our way out.

    • @[email protected]
      128 months ago

      Apart from rising costs, rising cost of living, unaffordable insurance, storms, major weather events. Loss of homes, loss of livelihood, loss of stability.

      I agree, it will take a bit longer to get to society wide boiling point. Some people will be hot first, due to luck of location or because they love in areas more prone to disasters. However, more and more people will become affected.

      • DomilleOP
        78 months ago

        And insurance companies already pulling out of high risk areas!