We have literally not a single plant in our apartment, and I’m sick of it! We need some green! But I have no idea what to start with.

FWIW we’re in the far nordics near the arctic circle, so conditions in places like windows vary quite wildly throughout the year, from occasionaly hot and long summer days to cold and very short winter days.

Not really fuzzed about beautiful flowers, just leaves, vines, will keep us happy. Maybe succulents?

Would appreciate any advice :)

  • alwaysconfused@lemmy.ca
    2 years ago

    I have a bioactive terrarium which houses isopods, springtails, pothos and some random trees the former mealworms spread about from a pod decoration I put in. The pothos grows so quickly that it needs frequent trimming. Fortunately, I stuff the trimnings under a log for the isopods to break down so it gets recycled eventually.

    I placed one pothos in an herb sized pot. It’s completely root bound now but it’s anchored itself to the soil through the drainage hole in the pot, along with a few more anchor roots along the vine. It’s interesting to me to see how it’s able to spread and survive so well.

    It can also survive in either full water or soil. It’s a very difficult plant to accidentally kill. Best of all, it was free. Just clipped a vine with a few leaves from a former housemate’s plant and stuck it in water until roots started growing. It’s just that simple to propagate it.

    The grass growing in a pot on my window sill can definitely take notes from my pothos plant. It’s in a constant state of dying but refuses to give up.