• lemmyvore
    388 months ago

    Of course it does. It will be getting mods for the next 20 years.

    I wish Bethesda finally acknowledged and embraced the fact they don’t make games, they make game kits. They should fully accept and become the LEGO of gaming already. They should only have one product, a gaming engine of various sizes ported to all platforms, and otherwise spend their time putting out content packs with stuff that’s hard for people to make (models, textures, voices etc.) They could license content from whatever franchise or artists/actors and otherwise let people go wild with modding and playing whatever adventures they can imagine.

    • @bogdugg
      258 months ago

      A large majority of their player base never uses mods (roughly 92%). They need to serve a minimum viable product to people who don’t know about or care about that ecosystem. They tried to bridge that gap with paid mods, but, well, we know how that went.

      • all-knight-party
        38 months ago

        Agreed. Bethesda games are great for mods that supplement and tweak the experience to your liking. As much as it’s cool to get a few mods that add quests and such, the quality of those vary drastically and, as much as it’s fun to punching bag Bethesda quests, they hit a minimum level of acceptable and enjoyable quality, and the coherence of the world wouldn’t work with amateur/nonexistent/variable quality (both acting and recording) of voice acting.

        It just wouldn’t be at all the same thing and wouldn’t appeal to the same people.

    • @Chais
      68 months ago

      Right? On the one hand is great that there are so many great mods. On the other hand is sad that modders repeatedly have to pick up Bethesda’s slack after paying for the game.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      First time I’ve seen this idea proposed. Ugh I’m mad cause it seems like too good of an idea for them to ever do especially with MS shareholders. It really would be perfect.

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          Thats the issue, most people want prepackaged entertainment. They don’t want to get home from work and be like “aye lets build the 4th planet is the Rakja solar system”.