Finally some interesting news on this game!

  • NotSteve_
    111 year ago

    I’m so hyped for this. My two biggest wishes for it are better support for public transport oriented and walkable cities, and better performance when playing larger cities

  • @robotscostrent
    51 year ago

    I’ve played a LOT of C:S1, super stoked for the sequel! The gameplay trailer also showed what looks to be multi-use zoning, which would be amazing.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Traffic giving away for emergency vehicles will hopefully in itself be of great help at reducing annoyances. Tough I’m a bit worried when they say “The citizens need to find a parking space and that will further drive up the importance of handling roads and traffic.”. I could see that becoming a problem if not implemented right and further congesting traffic. Them implementing seasons sound really interesting though!

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Parking does sound like a pain, but also a very realistic representation of many cities. I think it’s in line with CS being a “traffic simulator with city building elements.”

      I just hope they can make traffic properly utilize all the lanes on a road.

  • @Merthin1234
    41 year ago

    I can’t wait to try out CS:2, however I hope the new improvements don’t come with too much of a performance hit. With no mods and only 1-2 DLCs I’ve had CS:1 chew through RAM and crash like nobody’s business. Still super excited though!

  • ModularTable
    41 year ago

    Super excited to play this! It looked gorgeous from the clips shown during Xbox’s showcase

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Hopefuly it won’t need bunch of mods to have enjoyable gameplay anymore. Default traffic was terrible and mods were the driving force of the gameplay improvements.