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  • StudSpud The
    2 years ago

    I try not to think of my school years without the guidance of a therapist,


    I almost didn’t survive it, in spite of my repeated attempts to leave this mortal coil


    It pleases me immensely that you are still here with us, but I am sorry that you are filled with fear at your age. It’s terrifying wondering whether something will happen to us, especially when it has happened to our peers.

    You seem like you have a good head on you, as long as you keep your ears and eyes open you will be okay. As an afab in brunny, living close to where Jill lost her life, I never wear headphones or go out drunk by myself. But even that doesn’t stop us from falling prey to those with ill intentions. We can only enjoy the life we have right now, and be thankful we are here to see the sunrise.

    I’m sure you are not alone in your fears, and they are valid fears, but try not to let them rule you or change you too much. <3