Ha, had even this fail once ar an old job during the win 7 to win 10 migration. No budget to replace 8yr old desktops? Fine, give me $50/each for SSD. Worked out to around 50k, went to director of IT with a laundry list of benefits, including saving 1mil in total replacement costs.
Nope, denied. Dude had his eye on a non existent CIO role that he thought he could create by cutting everything to the bone. This failed because he was basically the least charismatic person possible, so he leaves. A new director came in, sees the problem, saw the huge savings I pitched and said “fuck yeah do it, and after this, we get on an actual 3yr replacement lifecycle” and we actually did.
You dont need good management to do things right, but boy howdy you do need to make sure you dont have bad management.
People are expensive and hardware is cheap. Good managers know this.
TIL: I have never met a good manager.
In fairness, an SSD is a solid upgrade and can give an old PC new life.
Simpsons “thats the joke”
I’ll have you know it’s only SEVEN years old, and it has SIX gb of RAM.
I have all but given up gaming on it, as even half life 2 now runs choppy and slow.
I just don’t have money to replace it with anything.
It hurts cuz it’s true.
then the rest of the system fails 2 months later and they are like "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT FAILED IT HAS AN SSD!?! "
Please, Windows 98 licenses are Dirt cheap now!
I need this meme format as a blank and the cards to be briscola cards. Anybody?
The blank template can be found here:
Can’t help with a briscola edit though cause I’m on mobile.
You have the source, now you need to go to photopea.com
See my new comment :D