• @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    One good thing to come out of Reddit’s demise is that I hadn’t read her name in about three weeks.

    • currychaos
      11 year ago

      I just realised how much MTG related coverage there was on Reddit.

      • slifer
        11 year ago


        For a minute I was scratching my head wondering how I missed all the Magic the Gathering coverage when I barely saw any 🤣

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          They did find the One Ring card from their new LOTR set recently. Some shop is paying $2 million euros for it. I desperately hope someone throws it into a volcano a la Mount Doom.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          It sure would be nice if any MTG mention is promptly spammed by Magic the Gathering content and buried. I don’t even play MTG and I’d prefer to have my feed taken over by it! Fuck yeah, nerds–get your game on!

          (Disclosure: I am indeed a nerd, too.)

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          Reminds me of the time I spent in 2020 wondering why all the right wingers were so mad at the Bureau of Land Management.

            • @[email protected]
              01 year ago

              The western land issue is one of the chief things that makes them popular out west. There’s more federal land than private and state combined.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  If someone else owns more of your state than your own citizens, do you really have a state? It’s easy for us to pontificate in states where there’s hardly any federal land and the issue is reversed. There needs to be more federal land in the East where ecosystems mean more and less in the West.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        I noticed a BUNCH of news and politics lemmy subs were created recently, and spamming depressing shit here like they did on reddit. Like, fuck off I don’t want to see that shit!

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Politics is hard to balance. Hearing about it is depressing, but not keeping up with it feels wildly irresponsible and a big reason why things are so bad.

    • Flying Squid
      41 year ago

      They’re claiming it’s because of what she said to Boebert, but it’s probably because of how she’s buddied up to McCarthy and they feel their job is to oppose him.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      Probably neither:

      “I think the way she referred to a fellow member was probably not the way we expect our members to refer to other fellow, especially female, members,” Harris told Politico, referring to Greene’s profane exchange with Boebert.

      “I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was publicly saying things about another member in terms that no one should.”

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Now we get to play a game.

          Will the response be:

          • The left thinks everything they disagree with is fascism

          • The left are the real fascists for suppressing dissent/banning online trolls

          • No reply ever

          I’ve got my money on #1, but they’re all strong contenders.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          What doesn’t make sense to me is why Republicans are called Fascist. You say that it involves a “centralized autocratic government”, but the whole belief of Republicans is LESS government involvement.

          “Severe economic and social regimentation” that doesn’t make sense either considering the liberal states are having a mass exodus in favor of Republican states like Texas. Fun fact, Texas is the #1 state for business in the USA with the highest growth, and despite its smaller population, it almost has the same GDP as California (and substantially less residents). If “Fascists” are so bad, why is everyone moving to their states?

          “Forcible suppression of opposition” Democrats literally weaponized the FBI to take down their political oppositions lol.

          Tell me you believe anything the media says without telling me.🤦‍♂️

          PS: Trump sucks

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            You’re mistaking the GOP’s words for their actions.

            I don’t care what they say about small government, I care that they’re telling women what to do with their bodies. That they’re threatening election officials with violence. That protesters on the left get arrested and Proud Boys get escorts. This is what matters.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            I’m not addressing the racist part of the post with this, just the “less government involvement” part:

            • anti-porn laws
            • educational restriction laws
            • abortion restriction laws
            • contraceptive restriction laws
            • laws attacking encryption

            The list goes on (and I’m sure there are more laws passed that I’m forgetting about) but the first four categories are heavily pushed by the GOP and the last one they are still co-sponsors on (Lindsay Graham and Diane Feinstein both suck). Some of the laws that are being passed are even designed to restrict constituents even when they aren’t in the state, and some even restrict their ability to LEAVE the state.

            GOP is not the “less government” party, they are the “less government that allows things I don’t like and more government that forces everyone in line” party. There really isn’t a “less” government party, they’re all just “different” government parties.

            PS: Adding “PS: Trump sucks” at the end doesn’t magically give everything else you said credence.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Current GOP policies are like a mishmash of policies pulled from dystopian sci-fi for the past 100 years: 1984, Handmaid’s Tale, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, they’re trying to bring back all the classics. In yet another example of how it’s all just projection with them, it’s actually the GOP that’s trying to create a “nanny state”, one that has control over even the most personal aspects of our lives. They’ve become so cartoonishly evil in how they’re trying to make peoples’ lives worse that it’d be funny if not for the fact that a good portion of the population supports them, they’re actually putting alot of their policies into effect, and they have a Conservative majority in the Supreme Court. I don’t see any of this ending well for America or the world at large.

            • @[email protected]
              -21 year ago

              Do you have any articles pertaining to the attacks against encryption? As a software engineer, that one I didn’t know about and is really important to me.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            It’s pretty rich for you to accuse people of just believing what they’re told and also say that the GOP “want less government involvement.”

            • Is dictating what sexualities are allowed to exist in public “wanting less government involvement?”

            • Is requiring schools to display a religious message “wanting less government involvement?”

            • Is censoring public library books “wanting less government involvement?”

            • Is the largest giveaway to billionaires and megacorps in our nation’s history “wanting less government involvement?”

            • Is expanding the largest prison population in the whole world “wanting less government involvement?”

            • Is celebrating the infrastructure cash that comes to town despite voting against it "wanting less government involvement?

            • Is using our tax dollars to build weapons to sell to other countries “wanting less government involvement?”

            As for “Texas is the #1 State for business,” that’s a meaningless platitude unless you specify what it’s first in, and regardless capital is often in bed with fascists. Nicely done.

            And regarding moving populations: how would that indicate that the GOP-run states are not fascist? Surely they would attract a population that agrees with the authoritarian policies against those who they see as their enemies? Is your whole argument “people who move can’t be fascist sympathizers?” Cool story.

            And your claim that the Democrats weaponized the FBI is just hilarious.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Less government involvement? Is that why you can’t get an abortion after you’re impregnated by your dad in half the states?

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              It’s a common lie. The reality is that red states score much lower on every objective quality of life metric, while having much higher rates of things like violent crime, addiction and suicide than any blue state let alone any of the US’s peer nations in the rest of the developed world. It’s not even remotely close. With very few exceptions, the social pathologies we see throughout the US are concentrated in red states. Blue states have problems too, but they tend to be related to the fact that they are highly desirable places to live.

            • @[email protected]
              -21 year ago

              Exactly. I never said they have the same,biit for the population difference its pretty high go there.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        A political movement centered around freedom for the underside of that part of the roof which overhangs the rest of the building

        Edit: or am I getting confused with that soffit sect of islam ?

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    “I think the way she referred to a fellow member was probably not the way we expect our members to refer to other fellow, especially female, members,” Sounds like the Freedom Caucus is against freedom of speech!

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Its funny because the republican conception of free speech is basically ‘you should be able to verbally abuse people you dont like’

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago


    What a fucking kook. Even the other kooks think you’re a fucking kook.

      • Zaneak
        11 year ago

        The sad thing is it was because she called Bobert a little bitch and supported Kevin McCarthy. Not because of wanting to impeach the president over nothing or jewish space lasers or whatever batshit crazy things come out of her mouth.

  • dub
    1 year ago

    Wow this is literally against her first and second amendment rights!!!1!

    When will the Biden/Clinton/Obama’s end their reign of tyranny???

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    This is where they finally draw the line? They are ok with the Nazi shit, but can’t call Boobert a bitch.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      You need to understand, a good portion of the rights base sees the GOP as morally righteous Christians. Racism and homophobia are A-OK according the the bible (at least the parts they don’t ignore). What matters to them is the GOP politicians appear to be the kind of person who never swears, rarely drinks (except beer), is morally pure in the bedroom (and if they aren’t, it’s just a crisis of faith), goes to bed early, and is working tirelessly to defend the country from the evil liberals and Joe Biden, who is somehow both a dementia-riddled invalid and also the anti-christ.

      This is the kind of world view many of the rights supporters have. They don’t particularly mind if you start promoting fascism or literally quote Hitler, as long as you still appear like the perfect example of someone living the 1960’s American Dream. The kind of person who could be invited to the country club and is always helping at the church picnic.

      But swearing?! One of the Stepford wives has caused a scene with her unchristian language and, my God, it’s ruining the bake sale! She certainly won’t be getting invites to any of the upcoming dinner parties.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I’m pretty sure all of them have put political campaign money towards those “Let’s go Brandon” or less masked messages. It’s not about the swearing, it’s about the disloyalty. MTG doesn’t have the “rank” to throw Boebert under the bus. If Trump did it they wouldn’t have batted an eye.

  • xerazal
    11 year ago

    She shouldn’t be anywhere near a Congressional seat.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Basically, from what I’ve gathered, it could signal one of two things: 1.) MGT has mainlined her rhetoric so much that the truly far right think she’s a “centrist,” following McCarthy, etc. The Freedom Caucus doesn’t like McCarthy and she’s been whipping for him recently. 2.) The Freedom Caucus has dirt on her they plan to release ruining her re-election chances and thus are distancing themselves preemptively. This would be punishment for publicly feuding with Beobert.