Scott Moe and Danielle Smith say the exemption should also be applied to natural gas, as the majority of people in their provinces use it to heat their homes.

  • @[email protected]
    298 months ago

    But they told me natural gas was reducing carbon emissions in the world…

    Go fuck yourself Alberta. Leave that shit in the ground.

    • @[email protected]
      -28 months ago

      Both natural gas and heating oil contribute co2 emissions. One just got a carbon tax exemption for some reason. Not sure what your blind hatred for Alberta has to do with inconsistently applied carbon tax rules.

      • @mister_newbie
        88 months ago

        You want me to quit with my blind hatred of Alberta? Then shut up with your fucking ads!

        I’m sick of watching them, I’m sick of hearing them. I live in Ontario and don’t give a shit about what your province or MAGA-loving Premier has to say.

        • @[email protected]
          78 months ago

          Canadian who lives in Alberta here. I just want to point out that the majority of Calgarians, Edmontonians, as well as Banff / Canmore voted NDP in the election earlier this year:

          We’re not all bad. Just enough of us to have a UCP government - AGAIN (after Kenney’s shenanigans).

          …Mind you, Ontario voted for Ford twice…and based on polling, we’re heading for a federal government led by Pierre…

          • @mister_newbie
            38 months ago

            Don’t remind me about Ford. 18% of the electorate gave that idiot a majority. Lazy fucks don’t vote.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            The person you’re responding to can’t see the difference between the people who live in a province and their political leaders… while living in a province that voted in Doug Ford.

      • @[email protected]
        78 months ago

        Here, let me fix it, and make the context clearer for you: Go fuck yourself, Saskatchewan, too.

          • @[email protected]
            38 months ago

            Because Lemmy is Reddit now.

            6 months ago I never used to see comments like this at all, let alone with upvotes.

            Then again, I came here from Reddit too.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Because Danielle Smith and Scott Moe are horrible human beings actively gaslighting Canadians towards supporting terrible policy, and rational people can see right through that shit and hate everything about it?

            Just a guess.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              Sure, fuck Smith and Moe, my politics are the same as yours, but that’s not what you said. You told a random person to go fuck themselves. Then you said that of the province of Saskatchewan, a province with two NDP leaning cities with tons of progressives.

              I’m disappointed in Lemmy for rewarding such mindless “own the cons” behaviour. I expect that nonsense from the far right.

      • Jericho Vardez
        8 months ago

        While I don’t agree with their reaction. In spite of the inconsistency, I see this as still accomplishing the goal. Part of the rationale behind the carbon tax is incentivizing a move away from CO2 emitting sources through cost. The high cost of heating oil even without the tax could be argued as incentive enough. Whether it was a move simply meant to “buy” votes in Atlantic Canada and whether the exemptions was a good move anyway… Don’t know.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Good point. I’m not familiar enough with the cost of heating oil. The cynic in me can definitely see this as a political move to shore up votes in Atlantic Canada.