Unsafe block detected. Extermination initiated. There is no hiding from memory safety!
echo Hello World!
Oh you fancy PC people and your fancy
instruction.I still don’t know why I could remember
jsr $ab1e
. I didn’t even write that much assembly.That looks like a 6502 instruction. What system is it from?
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
Or, you could just go the whole hog. Create your own simple CPU emulator, design a basic 8bitesque CPU, give it an output port that is the console, and load up some basic ASM to cycle through Hello World to the console port.
echo "Hello world"
This is different from the other two
s here, this is Nim not Bash.Definitely left. Right one won’t be optimized. (And there are
so manysome mistakes in your inline asm…)What mistakes?
Mostly the missing listing of clobbered registers. Other than that it’s mostly just that you’re doing useless things, like manually putting the stuff into the registers instead of letting the compiler do it, and the useless push and pop. And the loop is obviously not needed and would hurt performance if you do every write like that.
asm!( "syscall", in("rax") 1, in("rdi") 1, in("rsi") text_ptr, in("rdx") text_size, )
(“so many” was inappropriate, sorry.)
I am hopeless at getting the text_ptr simpler than i64::from_str_radix(&format!(“{:p}”, my_string)[2…], 16).unwrap(); How can i get it the normal way?
Just use
.Here’s an example (disclaimer: I haven’t used inline asm in rust before, expect issues): https://godbolt.org/z/sczYGe96f
console.log(“Hello World!”)
def main(): print("Hello world")
Ec Emm this side is the best one …
++++++++[< +++++++++>-]<. ++++[<+++++++>-]<+. +++++++… +++.
++++++[<+++++++>-]<++. ------------. ++++++[<+++++++++>-]<+. <. +++. ------. --------.
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("hello, world"); }
edit: reddit image linking is broken?
Well, the GNU version does more and is more documented. The Plan9 code is frankly shitC, even for 1980z
But this monstrosity is something else
Plan 9 does the job. GNU is better for the end user. But if I had to maintain that stuff I would definitely want to maintain the Plan 9 code and not the GNU code.
Of course, not always is shorter better.
reddit image linking is broken?
Well you didn’t link to a reddit image, you linked to Google image search result page which is not an image.
deleted by creator
I did that because the image didn’t show in reddt.
Looks like you need to insert the raw image link, not Reddit’s media wrapper link.
Oh, so it’s only my browser setup that doesn’t show it.
? “Hello World”