Question: What moderation tools do you find most useful?

Follow up question: Are there any moderation tools you wish existed but don’t?

My wish would be some form of content editable by multiple accounts, useful for megathreads or community wikis.

  • @threelonmusketeersOP
    38 months ago

    My wish would be some form of content editable by multiple accounts, useful for megathreads or community wikis.

  • kersplooshA
    8 months ago
    • The Lemmy devs need to fix GitHub #3781. I have also encountered problems trying to give mod rights to a user from instance A for a community on instance B. The two instances don’t always sync up properly to recognize the change.
    • These features are in the Summit app, and I would love for them to become standard across Lemmy:
      • Hide/blur removed posts from the mod’s view. Lemmy’s default is to keep removed posts visible to mods, which sometimes sucks.
      • Add a Moderated Communities feed that only shows posts from communities that a user moderates.
    • Other improvements that might be nice:
      • The ability for mods to mark a post NSFW.
      • Turn user reports into little standalone comment threads that are visible to the reporter and all mods of the affected community. Sometimes I want to respond to a report with follow-up questions, or poll the other mods for opinions, before taking action on a report.