Like supermarkets or libraries? I’ve run barefoot, but would feel weird walking around barefoot inside around the shoed.

    • HasturM
      11 year ago

      Any particularly interesting location or event while you were barefoot?

  • @Epsilon_Meletis
    1 year ago

    Do you guys wear shoes in indoor public spaces?

    All the time. Correction: Basically never.

    Edit: @michael65536 is of course right and I misunderstood the question as “Do you go barefoot in indoor public buildings?”.

    Alas, that’s what happens when I answer questions in the middle of the night.

    • HasturM
      11 year ago

      So you’re never been barefoot in a supermarket, a mall, a museum or something similar? Any specific reason for this, I’m intrigued.

  • HasturM
    11 year ago

    Most of the time I don’t wear shoes, that does include supermarkets, libraries, shops, etc. However when required I’ll wear something minimalist or sandals, I’m not a militant barefooter.

    • @VarykOP
      21 year ago

      Cool. I met a friend abroad who was strictly barefoot, and people did not always appreciate it indoors.

      • HasturM
        11 year ago

        Interesting, any idea why?

        • @VarykOP
          21 year ago

          Why strictly barefoot, or why were people upset? Well, he was strictly barefoot because it felt better to him. And people were upset about it because they keep the indoors clean and he can’t remove the soles of his feet if he gets them dirty to avoid tracking whatever is outside inside onto their floors and into their carpets, not to mention his own feet shedding sweat/skin/whoknowswhat on his feet everywhere indoors, and I’m sure part of it was just that it’s uncommon and looked weird to people.

          • HasturM
            21 year ago

            Ah, ok. I use soap, water and a microfiber cloth, that gets my feet quite clean, cleaner than most people’s shoes at least.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              I’m really considering trying this. I’ve grappled (BJJ, wrestling) for a few years and the time spent on mats while barefoot has already changed my feet considerably (more muscular, more capable) but i dont have a callus built up at all because im always on a squishy mat. when i walk on my rocky driveway it hurts. i think im going to start with a walk in the woods.

              • HasturM
                21 year ago

                Walking on rocks and (sharp) gravel will always hurt… at least a bit. Callous will also not build up uniformly on your soles, your skin will get more lethery and sharp stuff won’t be able to penetrate that skin so easily. Most barefooters I know do avoid running/walking extended periods on gravel, it’s the worst surface texture and feeling ever.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  yep that makes sense. i like to go backpacking with my wife and i would love to be able to carry my pack and do so barefoot. because it seems awesome and i think it’ll be funny if we happen to pass anyone along the way. in all my years of backpacking/camping i’ve never seen anyone doing it barefoot!

            • @VarykOP
              1 year ago

              That’l do it. This dude diiiiid not, haha.