• deweydecibel@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s been polling consistently strong. Those signs you were seeing on the border are not representative of where the majority of Ohioans live.

    What people need to take away from this is that the majority very often want things that are denied to them by a minority of voters who have been given disproportionate control.

    What were seeing is direct democracy in action. No gerrymandered districts, just the people voting for what they fuck they want, and majority rules.

    If we had more of that (not full direct democracy 24/7 but more than we have now) you’d see a lot more popular things actually get done.

    There’s danger there, populism is a double edged sword, but the opposite extreme is what we have now: a majority of people consistently and perpetually having their will undermined by a minority entirely because of their zip code, while the Republicans the minority gives power to continue to make this even worse.

    When you actually look at national polling, the majority of people want a lot of things that have no hope of ever making it through Congress any time in the near future because of obstruction from red states that get disproportionate power entirely because of geography. This is untenable.