Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Uni marks came in. Somehow an A slipped onto my “barely passing” academic transcript. Also I got a high pass in the subject I thought I was going to fail, and a C in the third one.
I’m shocked, I might actually graduate this year
Hell yeah you will, great job mate!
⭐ Well done!
Well done!
Congrats! I know the feeling! ✨
For me, having a team lunch is not a “break”. I get back to the office feeling like I haven’t stopped working. Went straight back outside for a 15 min walk to reset.
That’s like the good old “lunch meeting”
No, that’s just a meeting you’ve scheduled at an inconsiderate time. I’m still going to have my lunch break
I remember someone tried to do that to me but I left early and didn’t do the lunch meeting.
I think it’s so unfair to do a department meeting I’m at lunchtime in a scheduled day where there’s no other times for your own break.
I know we don’t often get together as a whole department but I’m not willing to sacrifice that time to do that.
I’ve started an 8 week challenge for fitness and healthy eating and fuck me, the amount of admin involved is exhausting. I’ve been so enthusiastic but the more I’ve had to prepare for it food wise, the more my enthusiasm fades. I’ll still go to the group training session tonight but I’m genuinely already exhausted.
Food prep can take a lot of time, especially when it is new things. It usually gets quicker as you get used to what you are doing, but will always take longer than grabbing something quick or pre-prepared. But it does pay you back in improved health and energy. You’re worth the extra time.
Definitely agree, it’ll just take time to find a balance and I’m good with it. I’ll get used to it eventually.
I’ve seen a couple of my friends who have a strict diet weigh their food and document it all and also having to guess the content or rating of what they’re eating.
It took a bit of time before they got to eating their food and it was only a small snack of chocolate or a little cupcake.
I admire their dedication to it all though.
Oh it’s totally admirable, I’m just aiming for balance but to still enjoy food! I definitely agree though, it’ll just take time to get used to it and I’m in it now.
Go you! It can be pretty daunting to take on a big challenge like this but it’s worth it if you’re determined. I admire you for including group training sessions!
It’s a great way to be kept accountable you know? Having a whole group to show progress to. It’s one group session a week and then I’ve got to incorporate two-three additional sessions.
Good on you! I’m trying to worry less about food and more about just being more active these days. I hate counting calories, just trying to lay off the takeaways and junk.
You need to get on the best diet in the world… the feijoas diet. Where all you eat is feijoas 😜
Omg if only the season was longer 🥰 I miss them already. You should try some next year!
I will
racked up 50 days alcohol free as of today, no pressing reason just wanted a break and a minor challenge to see through to the end. funnily enough the social drinking part was easy and had some fun nights out on 0 alcohol beers. the at home turning brain off and playing video games sipping soju is what i missed.
didn’t experience any actual benefits, which is exactly like when i quit coffee for a couple months and nothing happened just mildly less enjoyment
Sucks to hear you didn’t have any positive effects :( I’m doing dry July and feeling way better, sleeping better and lot more energy and motivation.
that’s awesome! i think taking a break is for sure good, even just psychologically, so still glad i did it. for me nothing much improves my motivation other than just doing things and then it starts to snowball real quick.
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How about the requests to review the product you haven’t received yet?
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No wait, only spam.
Got the cross-stitch project done! Now let’s see if I can master this spoiler thing:
my cross stitch project
Good work (both the cross stitch and the spoiler!).
Is it going to be framed, or finished in some other way?
Yes that’s the next step, washing and ironing and framing.
You are close. The link needs to be on a seperate line in the middle, and the text you want to show should be written after spoiler.
If you make the link and highlight it, then hit the spoiler tag (the triangle with ! in the centre) it should put it in the right place, and you can replace the second “spoiler” with new text if you want.
Highlight ! to ) and click the spoiler button, or use this. I think what’s missing from your code is you need to start a new line after spoiler and )
::: spoiler cross stitch picture  :::
Got it sorted, ta!
Bonus hint: If you want to look at another person’s code to see how they have done something
use this button
ugh, yet another failure to die in my sleep.
Join the club 🤘🏼
Heavy things lifted. Miss Meow is very confused about the point of it all, but has also done her own exercise routine, involving stalk and pounce of a small piece of cardboard and a limbo across the weight bench and under the barbell. She is now suggesting it would be a good time to eat some protein.
Props for lifting heavy things near the end of the day! Go raven!
Stayed late at work by accident and busted my hump trying to catch my “backup” bus that gets me home relatively early. Waited here since the PTV app said “arriving in 5 minutes” then it counted down and said “Now” for about two minutes, then ticked over to 21 minutes. No bus went by in either direction.
Also this bus stop I’m at doesn’t have a bench or anything.
Oh, I just remembered I missed my normal bus to work this morning, too. Looks like I’ve got a case of the Mondays!
Buses are the biggest trolls of the PTV network. That includes the “smart” buses. I’ve had the exact same thing happen to me before too, in the cold dark rain. Don’t miss it at all.
Once a colleague was dropping me off at a bus stop early and we saw my ("smart ") bus just about to leave well ahead of what the app said, and when I explained how unreliable the things are my colleague just gunned it and beat the bus in heavy traffic to drop me off a few stops later so I would definitely get on that bus.
Dumb bus*
Ugh I hate that. Happened when I was waiting for a tram to Caulfield on Saturday. It’s like ticking down and then … Nothing.
Also I wish there was somewhere where we can tell ptv to get seats or whatever at bus stops. My local one doesn’t have a seat, which sure sucks but eh, but trying to get on the bus is annoying and they can only lean down so far. Feels like I’m taking two steps to get on it.
Update from my post yesterday about the disability medical assessment I had for my disability claim, for anyone that saw that.
Had the appointment. The assessor was nice, I was so nervous I was stuttering. I don’t even have a stutter, so that was weird. Took all of 10-15 minutes and I was exhausted after.
Now I just wait I guess. The estimated completion time is 4th of August, so if it takes that long I think I’ll get around $2k in backpay, which is enough to pay off two of my debts and get things back on track(do they still backpay the difference in payment for people currently on jobseeker? Actually unsure on that.)
The suspense is killing me. I should just avoid thinking about it, but that extra $400ish a fortnight would be life changing. And not having to make myself bedridden going to disability employment services appointments every other week.
Minecraft has been a good distraction. Been digging big holes to calm down. There’s something Zen about it. Except that I keep burrowing in to giant cave systems and having to explore them for loot and glory, which is less relaxing.
I’ve finally put a bow on a document I’ve been working on for months. Technology changes quickly and frequently so it has needed a bunch of changes since I started but I’m finally calling it “document correct as of date of writing” and will present it to my team tomorrow.
It was my largest piece of work and a huge weight off my shoulders - or rather will be after I present it to my team tomorrow. Now I can focus on thinking about what comes next for the 35 days until my holiday. Good times.
It’s cold and dark out there, but I’m going to brave it with Mr Woof to get first walkies done. Then I can follow up with some nice hot porridge for breakfast.
Good morning, all you hotties!!
Morning Stud!
Good morning sunshine 🌞
Good morning, Stud!
Morning Stud, how’s your day looking?
Lying in bed still, but gonna rearrange the furniture in my apartment soon. 🙃 how about yours?
Nah, I like my furniture where it is, thanks.
Just worked out again… why wholemeal crumpets are always on sale.
You just worked out why wholemeal crumpets are always on sale?
Well, why don’t you tell the rest of us?
Something very NQR about them. No amount of butter can help.
They are a disappointment in every regard. I don’t know why the manufacturer keeps making them. Who is continually buying this shit
I honestly can’t tell the difference, if you read the ingredients they have bugger all wholemeal flour I think it’s around 17%
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