• queermunist she/her
    738 months ago

    I’m sure they’ll suddenly find it in two weeks when they’ve had enough time to construct one.

    • athos77
      348 months ago

      Remember when the attacks happened and they “found” documents on one of the raiders bodies, conveniently labeled Top Secret and listing the names of target areas? And the stapled-together documents, which were supposedly printed out, reviewed multiple times by the attackers, carried into battle in mid-80s heat by someone carrying weapons and body armor (so very sweaty) for a couple miles, got into at least one firefight that ended with the raider dead, retrieved from the body by Israeli soldiers, reviewed by them, and then shown to an ever-so-convenient reporter who took pictures of these battle plans?
      Except that, for everything the “battle plans” had supposedly been through, there were no sstains on them. They weren’t even bent over where the staple was. The only ‘damage’ to the ‘plans’ were that one corner was slightly bent over.

      • Limitless_screaming
        8 months ago

        The problem was people trying to defend it in the comments, it was the most pathetic thing you could see.

        Imagine if the IDF put some actual work into their bullshitting campaigns. The boot licking would be devastating.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        48 months ago

        “As you can see here this door is clearly labeled terrorism room”

    • livus
      38 months ago

      Was going to say this. It’s a bit unfair to expect them to “find” anything they can’t carry in with them.

    • Jaytreeman
      218 months ago

      The ‘raw’ video that included things that very well could have been a bomb shelter for the hospital.
      ‘Why would a hospital have a bomb shelter?’ Asks a country that has been bombing another country into oblivion for 20 years.
      ‘Oh look! This motorcycle has a bullet hole! It must have been used by terrorists!’ says a country who’s military has been shooting people indiscriminately for 70years.

      • Cethin
        18 months ago

        Well, that bomb shelter was actually built by Israel when they occupied Gaza in the 80s. That was known about because they built it. The other claims that they said they have information on have yet to be verified by any actual evidence.

    • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
      38 months ago

      Speculation it was deleted in part due to the laptop showing a picture of an IOF member which is blurred in the current one

  • @[email protected]
    288 months ago

    In the next few days I fucking guarantee you that the usual Israeli propaganda mouthpieces all over the internet will point to the picture they released of a handful of guns and a Quran as proof that this was a “Hamas base” or “terrorist equipment” and the whole operation was a total success.

    Let us never forget that this wasn’t supposed to just be a “base” or a few guns and grenades, but a major headquarters or even a “center of gravity” for the whole organization. Their supposed world class intelligence concluded this and was happily supported by the US. And it was apparently fucking bullshit. So either a) they lied as an excuse to kill and terrorize civilians or b) their intelligence is actually a steaming pile of shit and they have no hope of actually destroying Hamas unless they actually drop that nuke the lunatic politician suggested a week or two ago.

    As always, looking forward to the comments about how this isn’t actually a war crime and it’s somehow all Hamas’ fault and Israel is just defending itself by launching an unjustified attack on a vital piece of civilian infrastructure.

  • @N0body
    258 months ago

    “Oopsie. Our bad. The base was probably in some other hospital. We’re going to bomb them all just to make sure.”

  • jorge
    228 months ago

    Have they found the Incubators of Mass Destruction?

    • livus
      118 months ago

      As someone who remembers the “war on terror” and the search for WMDs, yes, this is how they do.

      A bunch of Onion-tier claims that are really just ticking a box to “authorize” whatever it is they wanted to do all along.

  • @[email protected]
    218 months ago

    They’ll just kick a knife and a laptop into the ICU, take a picture, and call it so.

    Just kidding, they’ll provide zero evidence because these psychos in the Israeli military actually think they shouldn’t have to justify bombing a hospital full of (using their words) “animals”

    • Adkml [he/him]
      48 months ago

      They’ll take a picture of a laptop, somebody will point out the background picture on the laptop is the guy who posted the picture with his family, they’ll delete the post, and Biden will give a speech saying he continues to support what they’re doing.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    168 months ago

    The whole Hamas command base in a hospital narrative is pure nonsense. Do people just not understand that partisan resistance groups operate using independent cells precisely because having a central base of operations would create a central failure point for the whole organization?

    • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
      38 months ago

      I kept wondering if they believed that as well or was purely for the rubes. Like isn’t the whole point of guerilla warfare that it’s decentralized and somewhat grassroots via pockets of resistance fighters with varying degrees of coordination

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        -58 months ago

        It’s highly unlikely they actually believed this. Seems like what they wanted was to just take over the hospital to use as their own base of operations.

  • @[email protected]
    128 months ago

    The missing military base and the absence of any Hamas defense of the hospital makes the IDF attack a war crime with zero justification.

    • appel
      88 months ago

      The IDF has been committing warcrimes non-stop. Could even argue they have been committing them for 75 years since the occupation began.

  • auth
    98 months ago

    Israel is so corrupt… US: Stop supporting them (oh wait, you are also corrupt)