• tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺@feddit.de
    11 months ago

    It is also a lot of lobbying from the farming lobbies.

    These are very powerful and represent the big agrocompanies, but the small farmers are stupid enough to believe, that they would have the same interests as the companies driving them out of business. Because the rural vote is disproportionally more powerful and votes predominantly conservatove and right extremists, the farming lobby has a lot of sway with the EPP parties.

    The problem with conventional agriculture is that it is a death cult. It is deterioating the soil, the insects, the water and the surrounding ecosystem that is supporting it, in favor of short term productivity gains. But as a consequence of deterioating all these it becomes more and more reliable on even more fertilizers, pesticides and other harmful technical means.

    This ecological debt can only be paid by drastically reducing the production over a few years and giving natue chance to recover and then continue with ecological methods that wilm give less output on the recovering land for a longer while.

    The longer they wait the more this ecological debt becomes and the harder the switch will be. But without the switch it will end up in absolute failure and there being nothing left to produce anything edible for a long while.

    Meanwhile many small darmers go out of business, because the conve tional agriculture is better suited for large businesses, that price them out and then buy them up.

    It is a death cult (both ecologically and economically) and glyphosate is one of the drugs the leaders of that cult use to poison their lower rank members with.

    • Tar_Alcaran
      11 months ago

      Because the rural vote is disproportionally more powerful

      This is the EU, most states have more functional electoral systems.