Hey there! So, my boyfriend takes a lot of notes for work and loves notebooks and today I found this device and I think he would love it.
My question is, is this good to work on daily and is it practical?
Thanks in advance :)
Yes… I use it at work every day-all day.
I work in sales, so I use it for reminders, notetaking, and short info.
You can also change it from written words to text, send it, PDF it and so on.
Go buy:)
Yes, especially for the use case you described. I seen a similar question and the person responded with something I think was an important part of his yes response and that was, its not an iPad so don’t compare or expect an iPad or Galaxy tablet experience, its TRULY a NOTEBOOK and should be viewed as such. I think the wording of an E-ink tablet by some sets the improper expectations.
Just make sure he doesn’t work in an environment where technology, particularly wireless technology, is not allowed.
Yes, the feeling of writing is awesome and I write down more than when I did it with poem and paper, because it’s such a good feeling.
yeah, it’s great for daily use. i work in a similar field and it’s perfect for notes, reminders, and planning. it’s not an ipad, but it’s amazing as a digital notebook. tons of templates, and the writing experience is top-notch. he’ll love it for sure!