How the fuck do I upload a GIF??

  • @[email protected]
    298 months ago

    Say about Alex Jones what you will, but the gay frogs segment cracked me up so much. His genuine anger, plus the simplification of frogs switching gender because of the chemicals … What a scene.

      • Hormone active (endokrine) substances are a real problem in ecology in particular in regards towaste water treatment. They often can already take effect on ng/l concentrations.

        They are not put there deliberately to turn frogs gay, but they are the result of necessary uses like hormone treatment and unecessary uses like hormonal contraception or use in cosmetics.

        I have no doubt that it was presented poorly by Jones and with ulterior motives, but endokrine substances emitted by human activities are a serious issue.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            I’m pro hormonal contraceptives for those who want them, but there are other options like copper IUDs

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              Yeah, I agree that we should be looking for other solutions, but the pill works well and reliably for a lot of people. I think that what you were suggesting, and I would agree with you, is that we ought to be more focused on the potable water issue in general and removing various human contaminants, including hormones from the equation at the water processing plants.

              • @[email protected]
                38 months ago

                Really my concern with it is the fact that hormone treatments have massive biological effects. Sometimes that’s great, some people take them specifically because of that. Other times it’s unpleasant side effects and they may be better served with a different contraceptive choice.

                I think when it comes to water contaminants we should be looking at civil engineering solutions because even without these drugs used in humans it’d be a concern given hormone use in cattle and natural hormone release in urine concentrated for the millions of people in some cities. We need to be further investing in sewage research. It’s not a sexy form of infrastructure like dams, rail systems, or power plants, but it is one of the most significant health advancements our species has ever made and there’s a lot of advancement left to make.

    • @[email protected]
      108 months ago

      His rants are often unintentionally funny. There’s a guy on YouTube editing his conspiracy rants to look like it’s a Warhammer 40k character talking about stuff that actually exists in the lore and it matches so well it’s hilarious.

    • @[email protected]
      98 months ago

      i didn’t know that this was a real thing that alex jones actually said. i always just thought it was satire.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        Most of what he actually says is self-promotion, followed by racist tropes, then claiming the apocalypse is imminent. The really entertaining stuff like claiming he comes from a long line of psychics while also receiving messages from God is unfortunately rare.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    I am 100% convinced, and NOTHING you can say will convince me otherwise, that Alex Jones was controlled opposition, fed misleading stories or manipulated ones that have grains of truth, but filtered through him to make it seem unbelievable. The gay frogs thing is real, well, not literally, but the chemicals being dumped we’re having physiological effects on frogs, including turning them into hermaphrodites.

    But when you put it through the lens of Alex Jones, who is literally a psycho, it instantly discredits anyone actually trying to expose it as a conspiracy theorist.

    I don’t think he even knows it, I think his handlers are far smarter than him, and feed him stories without him even realizing it.

  • DessertStorms
    118 months ago

    Yes to the gay frogs, no to bringing back Theresa May to my feed, it’s bad enough we got the piggy fucker back… 😭