I’m sure most of us have had an absolute white-knuckled drive through a terrifying road - whether it’s a terrifying mountain switchback or just a poorly designed miserable highway. Go nuts!

  • CountVon
    1 year ago

    And yeah you drove by the Cerro de la Muerte (Death Mountain) at night. That’s a big no-no! That road is always almost coveted with fog (even during the day).

    Wait, so the actual proper name of the mountain I crossed, at night, under heavy fog, translates as Death Mountain?? Actually yeah, that seems pretty sensible based on what I saw. Clearly I was lucky to make it through without suffering a disaster of some kind. On the one hand I fully acknowledge that I was an idiot to put myself in that situation… but on the other hand it sounds really badass, so this detail is definitely getting added to the story whenever I tell it in future.