If they really valued life they would immediately send the baby and father to the state pen for manslaughter if the mother dies during child birth.
If they really valued life they would immediately send the baby and father to the state pen for manslaughter if the mother dies during child birth.
Unless you already have a tendency towards psychopathic behaviors, the they probably
(not a psychologist)
I’m sorry your dad cared more about money than family, that must have been really hard on all of you.
Well the argument is fair pay for work, fuck McDonald’s if they and their franchisees can’t afford that, other entrepreneurs can make new businesses that can.
If they can’t afford to pay a living wage they can’t afford to own a franchise, sorry they suck at business?
Cuz white men are too complicit to actually fight for a new union.
People who are afraid to vote 3rd party be like:
For everyone down voting cashapp me 5 bucks for the new aimbot hacks!
Dude, it’s fucking hard to find a praying mantis these days, all the ones I seem to find are atheist or non practicing, fuckin godless heathens.
If you believe in string perspective there are infinite narrators narrating each other’s narrations and we have only just started to make words for the infinities.
As the old adage goes, I know you are but what am I?
Archive.org has some flash and older pc games available for free, I downloaded a wolfenstien game off there, but it turned out to be Spanish version, so your milage may vary
Voting is a start, but what about project 2025? What of Roger stone and the Republicans, repeated (and depending on your views of the bush v gore election and the brooks brothers riot, successful) attempts to preempt duly elected presidents from going into office?
It doesn’t take a majority to put a dictator in power. That’s why converting, calming and understanding republican voters is so important, if they don’t show up to the capital then the gop can’t use them as an excuse to seize control and bypass the vote.
I agree, we should blame the parents. they should have raised their kids better, and in the case of the mentally unwell helped them get the necessary treatments.
Cool now you can not only be an economic vampire, but a real one too! Still can’t garuntee surviving getting run over tho
What would you do, to prevent them from gassing me? Put them in their own concentration camps?
I would criminally charge and jail the leaders, trump Roger stone and the heratage foundation, deprogram the followers, just like with any cult. They think they are saving america, just like anyone who says vote D no matter what.
It usually doesn’t work the first time, ya gotta keep at it. as stone temple pilots say, take time with a wounded hand.
I get not wanting to put yourself out there to try and help, and it’s really hard not to just be a dick to people you disagree with.
but if the question is how do we stop fascism the answer isn’t blame them or make them feel guilty about it, it’s reaching out and helping them out of it. they are people and people are stupid stubborn afraid and in need of support from other people.
That’s the tricky part of a cult, you get convinced to do things you wouldn’t normally do. The trump supporters I know raised their kids to be better, but were just vulnerable enough to be convinced that Trump would bully the bullies and protect the weak, which was a complete lie.
I empathize and hope for them to have the strength to let go of their brain washing and work to fix what has been broken.
I see no reason we can’t charge the baby as an adult, it was premeditated.