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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2024


  • How are you able to believe that. Is there some sort of concrete evidence that everyone else is missing or is it a gut feeling justification?

    The international boxing association Russian president claimed that the DNA results showed two athletes had xy chromosomes but never published the results. That claim only came after Imane, an Algerian boxer, defeated the Russian boxer Azalia, and the claim was used to disqualify Imane’s victory.

    Of all the conspiracy theories, isn’t it more reasonable that the Russian president wanted to protect the Russian boxer and made up a reason to DQ Imane to ensure that his home country wasn’t stained by a loss?

  • Imane is literally a cis-gender woman and there’s no evidence that she is intersex, trans, or anything that indicates non-normative chromosome or hormone production.

    It is completely fair for her to compete and it’s just right wing people who are trying to claim and decide that she’s not womanly enough to be considered a woman.

    There are literally no trans people competing in the Olympics this year and only two non-binary competitors. This is all being posed as if the entirety of the Olympics is being skewed by trans competitors when there aren’t any and this controversy is just being invented for the sake of affirming control over women.

  • The “problem” is that gender is a spectrum and there doesn’t exist any real metric to discern or categorize people into a social binary. Honestly, I’m surprised this topic is even popping up again when I thought this was hashed out several years and Olympics ago when right wingers were bringing this up back then. Trying to categorize and disqualify women by testosterone content just doesn’t work. This is all ultimately a method of trying to police and control women’s bodies.

    In a similar vein, why aren’t men looked at in the same manner. Why not say that any particular man either has too much estrogen and is either too womanly or not manly enough to qualify or compete. It’s because these people aren’t looking for fairness, safety, or any other dog whistle they might cry about. It’s all just about controlling women.

  • As a counterpoint to this articles counterpoint, yes, engineers should still be held responsible, as well as management and the systems that support negligent engineering decisions.

    When they bring up structural engineers and anesthesiologists getting “blame” for a failure, when catastrophic failures occur, it’s never blaming a single person but investigating the root cause of failures. Software engineers should be held to standards and the managers above them pressuring unsafe and rapid changes should also be held responsible.

    Education for engineers include classes like ethics and at least at my school, graduating engineers take oaths to uphold integrity, standards, and obligations to humanity. For a long time, software engineering has been used for integral human and societal tools and systems, if a fuck up costs human lives, then the entire field needs to be reevaluated and held to that standard and responsibility.