I’ll have to find an alternative remote support solution though.
RustDesk works on linux, at least they have a release for it have not tried it myself.
I’ll have to find an alternative remote support solution though.
RustDesk works on linux, at least they have a release for it have not tried it myself.
Realistically this just means games get released with less or unfinished features/content.
I mean technically they are copied infinitely due to proc gen. I just don’t get why they didn’t proc gen the POIs as well, would have at least made them more varied.
They should have just left out the minigame, would have been more interesting to walk into a room with this giant ring hovering there.
every npc has a schedule they follow over the course of the day
except they don’t in Starfield
find new things organically
I mean maybe you can argue you can still do this but it’s less “stumble on ancient tomb” and more “click on a interesting looking marker on the map”
Is he like not allowed to fire people or something?
I wonder how much money was wasted on that Imagine Dragons song, that literally no one cares about now, that should have just been put into development.
They literally live off hype then going quiet long enough for people to forget the disappointment. The older people remember and don’t expect much, the middle aged people remember but are hopeful they’ll be better (and that the older people are just jaded), and the younger people just fall for the hype.
This is it, this is all Bethesda is now. Constantly recycling suckers through long dev cycles and hype.
Have you actually read the dialogue? Have you even played Morrowind?
Bethesda promised Skyrim in space and that’s what we got, a game exactly like the one they released 12 years ago but in space. They should have just called it Skyrim: Space Edition.
If it wasn’t for wanting google chat for work on my phone I’d be using GrapheneOS on my Pixel 7 Pro.
Doesn’t this make it easier to crack the denuvo as well though? Since now you have a list of changes to look at for where denuvo is implemented.
Both of those are out now if you haven’t noticed yet.
But uhhh, you can climb ladders.
It probably hurts the franchisee more than it hurts McDonalds proper, and they make it back and then some from their deal with Taylor.
I just stopped considering McDonalds a place that serves ice cream. The menu item just doesn’t exist there in my mind.
Flying used to be a “luxury boondoggle for the rich” same with a lot of things that we view as common today.
Good, any law should be able to be scrutinized and protested by the citizens the law affects.
“The government should control all of our actions to prevent civil unrest, it’s for the greater good!”
Literally couldn’t even bother to edit the image so the country names are in the image.