I started boycotting everything America like 5 weeks ago Mr. Reich, and that was before the US started disappearing dissidents, and deporting innocent people to prisons in El Salvador. I’m glad smart people seem to agree with me. I’m glad my countrymen agree with me.
And yeah, I did it because Trump insulted and threatened my home. But I won’t necessarily stop when he’s gone. Depends how he goes. America rises up, arrests him and his cronies and cleans house - then maybe we regain some trust.
In the more likely event he dies of a stroke later this year and his regime tears itself apart with infighting- then it isn’t really “Donald Trump’s America”, I have a problem with. The US is, to put it mildly, an unreliable and volatile nation and we won’t be trusting or dealing with them again any time soon.
Sons of Odin are a Canadian white supremacist movement with Viking inspired iconography and a stated mission to “stop the spread of Shariah Law”. They were started in 2018 and started with a very media-savvy push as a “service organization” doing park clean ups and handing out water and granola bars to homeless people. Their intent was to grow to spread their Xenophobia and anti-islamic rhetoric.
They aren’t a large group, maybe 15k members coast to coast and that’s spread pretty thinly. As for why I picked them? I dunno- memorable name and more “Canadian” than name dropping the Klan.