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Joined 3 days ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2025

  • Englishgrinn@lemmy.catoCanada@lemmy.caAnti Canadian sentiment
    5 minutes ago

    Sons of Odin are a Canadian white supremacist movement with Viking inspired iconography and a stated mission to “stop the spread of Shariah Law”. They were started in 2018 and started with a very media-savvy push as a “service organization” doing park clean ups and handing out water and granola bars to homeless people. Their intent was to grow to spread their Xenophobia and anti-islamic rhetoric.

    They aren’t a large group, maybe 15k members coast to coast and that’s spread pretty thinly. As for why I picked them? I dunno- memorable name and more “Canadian” than name dropping the Klan.

  • I started boycotting everything America like 5 weeks ago Mr. Reich, and that was before the US started disappearing dissidents, and deporting innocent people to prisons in El Salvador. I’m glad smart people seem to agree with me. I’m glad my countrymen agree with me.

    And yeah, I did it because Trump insulted and threatened my home. But I won’t necessarily stop when he’s gone. Depends how he goes. America rises up, arrests him and his cronies and cleans house - then maybe we regain some trust.

    In the more likely event he dies of a stroke later this year and his regime tears itself apart with infighting- then it isn’t really “Donald Trump’s America”, I have a problem with. The US is, to put it mildly, an unreliable and volatile nation and we won’t be trusting or dealing with them again any time soon.

  • Englishgrinn@lemmy.catoCanada@lemmy.caAnti Canadian sentiment
    47 minutes ago

    I would like “Kills Nazis” to be a common, simple part of Canadian identity, like hockey and manners. Basically, I want this:

    “Oh Bob? Yeah he’s just a good old Canadian boy. Smooth wristshot, absolute sniper. Always helps his neighbour shovel the walk. There was a demonstration by a bunch of those “Sons of Odin” fuckers downtown last week and he stopped by to huck bricks at them and protect counterprotestors. You know, we should have him over for a beer and some steaks”

  • It’s true - I can remember a year ago, maybe two? Back when he was still on Fox News Tucker Carlson was constantly on about how we were under a tyrannical dictatorship and how Americans should “free” us. This “not viable as a country” thing is just another attempt at justifying their aggression and it’s just as hollow and stupid. The lies and fallacies just cycle through until something sticks, it’s the goals that remain the same.

    The truth is, they want us out of the way because our multiculturalism and socialism are threats to their siloed reality. We’re too similar to them, too successful. We’re a living repudiation of everything they believe, of all the lies they need to be true to justify their cruelty and bigotry.

    We were never going to be allowed to live in peace, for no other reason than we are a constant reminder of the truth.

  • Maple MAGA didn’t go anywhere, but they got a very harsh slap in the face when most Canadians “woke up” to politics. They were doing that thing American Conservatives do where they pretend that everyone secretly agrees with them and they are the “silent majority”.

    That’s easier to do when most Canadians don’t vote, don’t follow politics and are generally checked out, as it has been for years.

    But then, basically overnight, Canadians across the country all engaged. Boycotts, firearms training, tracking the news on a daily basis. Funny what a little thing like threats to our sovereignty will do. And Maple MAGA didn’t suddenly change their tune. They’re still out there, loving Trump, consuming Russian propaganda and thinking Canada is a fascist regime because we have the gall to fund social programs. But they’re a lot less loud when they realize they’re the minority in every room. Essentially, they’re cowards and traitors and both those groups tend to keep their head down when a nation gets a surge of patriotism.

  • I think you can do more with civil disobedience in your own country than you can by picking up a rifle for us. Unless half your damn country shows up willing to fight and die for us, we’ll never have enough bodies to do anything but resist occupation and make guerilla strikes. Think less Vietnam and more The Troubles.

    But America traditionally does very poorly in war without strong support at home. When Americans lose a war, it’s never about guns and bombs, but always about domestic support falling through. And that’ll be even more true under your newly minted fascist regime. The fascist lives and dies on the widely spread lie of its own heroic, masculine ideal. Undercutting that hurts the fascist regime pretty severely.

  • Hello Lemmy.ca,

    Super new here, but super happy to find this exists. I hope it grows and keeps gaining in popularity despite the clunky nature which I think is inherent to the Fediverse (am I saying that right?).

    My story is probably like a lot of people here. Reddit was my only actual social media account. Never did the Twitter/Facebook/Instagram, whatever else. Reddit was how I got my news and I was fine with that.

    But back in January when this whole Tariff thing was first winding up, I decided to go hard and start my American boycott. I cancelled Netflix and Disney+ (I haven’t missed them for one second, which makes me wonder why I was paying for them anyway), I cancelled my Xbox Gamepass. I was already boycotting all things Amazon and Wal-mart. You get the idea. Reddit though, it didn’t feel like a betrayal - r/onguardforthee was my Canadian politics news source of choice and I wasn’t giving them any money.

    But it occurs to me, when engagement numbers is how these guys convince investors to prop them up with no sustainable business model - I sort of was doing some damage. So, I set off looking for an alternative and here I am.

    We have so little power to influence things these days it can feel pointless to make changes. Changes to our social media site of choice. Changes to our buying habits. How much does it really add up? But my father taught me, and I bet yours did too, you don’t do the right thing because it guarantees the right outcome. You do it so you can look in the mirror at the end of the day. Thanks for helping me look in the mirror.