13600k & 14600k owners, what is your idle and/or low workload power consumption?
i undervolted my 13600k,. without performance loss,.
idle power - 2.5watts ;
few chrome (currently using) - 4-10watts ;
max powerdraw in cbr23 - 125-128watts (from ~180watts);
low workload (10 chrome tab+ background download+ watching movie+ recording+ spotify -20 min avg https://imgur.com/a/GFVmZ9i 22watts) - 22watts
some gaming- mostly below 50watts,.
https://imgur.com/a/KGMtTjO ; https://imgur.com/a/RytZQSQ ; https://imgur.com/a/uZIv3RS
my 13600k reach 125watts (vcore 1.077v) without any issue/ performance loss,.
and this 125-130watts is max powerdraw in cbr23,. if i play games its take 30-55watts ,. some cases 75watts (like cyberpunk),.
full performance with 125-130watts - 24200 cbr23 score;
reduced performance with 95watts - 22800 cbr23 score https://imgur.com/a/owNYMrO (i use both hwinfo and hwmonitor :) );
this 95watts is power limit over 125watts undervolt; so its not affect gaming performance and gaming power draws.