• 4.65K Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • We need more content

    I spun up an instance because I dislike what Reddit is doing and I want to support this community and help it grow.

    Regarding the content you are talking about: https://fediverse.boo/magazines

    I’ve set up automatic news feeds from the BBC, NPR, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and CNN so far to their own magazines. That way you can subscribe to a specific magazine to get articles from the publishers you like. (I’m also still tweaking how much content gets pulled in so its not too much or too little). I also have a catch-all news magazine that I manually curate news article links for.

    I plan on adding additional magazines that aggregate links from other websites (not just news) but I am waiting to hear from the community on what content they would like to see.

    Ok, thats my like 30 second elevator spiel about my instance and my magazines. Definitely drop me some feedback if there is any additional content I should automatically add to dedicated magazines. Hope to see some new people jumping into discussions on posts over there!

  • I’m ok if people with money want to throw their money at experimental treatments to try. I do take issue with locking life saving medicine behind high price tags.

    The article mentions Ozempic and Wegovy which are new weight loss drugs (originally intended for diabetics), I believe I read in a different article that those cost $10k/yr. From my understanding, most of the use of them have been for fad weight loss instead of it going to the people that it was intended for (and might need it). Insurance is already a pain when it comes to medications, I’m sure for medications like this where its a fad medication on top of having legitimate uses it is even harder to get insurance to pay.

    inb4 articles like: “America, and its great pay wall”

  • I’m glad that they have to pay a $10.3 billion settlement over this but that isn’t nearly enough to cover the long term damage of “forever chemicals.”

    That’s like you confronting a dude that has been pooping in your drinking well and he pays you $100 for compensation, says “oops, won’t happen again”, and then continues to poop in your drinking water without a care if it makes you sick or not.

    I didn’t mean for my analogy to sound so gross but I think it has the same kind of energy lol (except forever chemicals and microplastics in our water is much much worse…)

  • Thank you! I’m wanting to get the various news bots up and running first on their own magazines. Then I will likely jump into the kbin code and work on a multi-subreddit feature to combine it all together. Baby steps though, right? NPR bot is slowly getting more feeds added to it and it’s adding more posts to its magazine.

    P.S. if you have any more feedback, definitely let me know! I want this to be a cool community we build stuff around. Now that I know how to write a new bot for kbin, I should be able to do the same for just about any other content out there