You’re cold to the touch.
Eat it, see what happens.
You’re cold to the touch.
Eat it, see what happens.
Oh, that’s actually kind of cool. Is that for the primary drive or for swapping additional ones in and out?
Unironically love that. There’s a CD drive but what is that next to it? Is it a Zip drive?
Yeah, is regularly taking about 5mins to load a page. It does get there though.
What’s about?
Here’s the Internet archive capture of the page originally.
I tend to leave the lid half off, so that it can reduce but it also doesn’t splash everywhere.
Doing this off the top of my head too but I think it’s
The string section are scavengers, they’ll wait for a poorly aimed honkwitch to land amongst them, then descend as a pack.
The spoils are divided up hierarchically, first violin always eats first.
From the video in the article, it looks like there are multiple, layered screens. It’s not clear how it determines what you’re focusing on though.
How do you do a whole tree like that?? Do you just start knitting at the base and keep coming back? How do you get to the branches if you’ve already covered the trunk in sweater?
I guess we’ll never know.
In all honesty, I was being a bit unfair. It’s a wordpress site, so it’s probably a fan just nerding out to other fans about something they love.
Still though, a word to other nerds - it’s good to put up signposts for the curious, that’s how you draw them in.
( •᷄ࡇ•᷅ )
That’s a fair point I guess.
Thank you. I feel like that should have been a key bit of info, but what do I know?
E: words are hard.
Amazingly, I read that whole article and still have absolutely no idea what Cyberpunk RED is.
Fantastic bit of journalism there.
Wow, Wired is really keen to share their opinion of Luigi fanfic.
Edit. Erotic Luigi fanfic. Like, they’re really, really keen to let people know how awful the erotic Luigi fanfic is.
It’s worth noting that there are naturally occurring “black” olives, but they tend to have a sort of purple hue, there are also sun dried black olives that are kind of wrinkly.
But those ink black ones you get on pizzas? Nah.
Fun fact: “Black olives, though labeled as “ripe” on supermarket cans, actually aren’t: these, a California invention, are green olives that have been cured in an alkaline solution, and then treated with oxygen and an iron compound (ferrous gluconate) that turns their skins a shiny patent-leather black.”–the-bitter-truth
Yeah, on 12 operating systems.
Getting strong late night kebab vibes off this, in a good way. How you eating it without saucing up your entire hand? Knife and forking or daintily-crab-clawing it from the sides?