Interesting. I always thought it was just some kind of a shared mannerism, didn’t expect there to be actual instructions for that. Do you have any more info on that?
Interesting. I always thought it was just some kind of a shared mannerism, didn’t expect there to be actual instructions for that. Do you have any more info on that?
Coming from Germany where a gesture even vaguely similar to a nazi salute is a criminal offence I naturally have a different stance on that. What fascists enjoy doing (and this pattern can be seen all over the word) is provoke with gestures, statements and symbols that look very similar to their fascist equivalent and they always have that smirk. They think it’s very clever. When called out on that of course they feign outrage and again with a slight smirk. Journalistic integrity needs to recognize these patterns instead of giving the “benefit of the doubt”. They are being played otherwise because there will never be definitive proof if they did it or not.
I experimented with a local installation as well. The censored answers were not going to through the chain-of-thought routine, but were instant answers instead. Follow-up questions however made it spill the beans rather quickly, giving out even more juicy details than I had initially asked for.
basically because they assume they could steal votes from the far right by adopting far right topics themselves. It’s been proven that this doesn’t work though. People then tend to vote for the “original” instead. In fact, adopting far right positions even has a net positive effect for the far right party because a mainstream party now validates their propaganda.
I don’t like how people are trying to stir up dissent and drama around this. The message posted is short and on point, it includes all the important bits. There really isn’t much more to add.
I fell asleep during all of the Harry Potter movies I tried to watch. That’s not meant as a judgement on the quality of those movies. I just couldn’t help it.
Of course they do. AI is aggressively marketed as such. Most people simply don’t know that an LLM doesn’t have a concept of "truth“, and the misleading marketing is to blame for that.
As a (Plasma based) Kubuntu user I was wondering as well. Looks like they tried to emulate the gnome look and feel in the picture. In Kubuntu the default taskbar is at the bottom and the floating application bar doesn’t exist
Why would anyone rename a perfectly valid variable name to some garbage term just to please our Microsoft Newspeak overlords? That would make the code less readable and more error prone. Also everything with human data has a field for sex or gender somewhere, driver’s licenses, medical applications, biological studies and all kinds of other forms use those terms.
But nobody really needs to use copilot to code, so maybe just get rid of it or use an alternative.
I sure hope you’re assessment of the CDU is right, but honestly I wouldn’t bet on it. If you look at how quickly things in the US go down the drain, implementing fascism and destroying basic human rights at a speed that would have been unthinkable just a few months ago, I’d be very, very sceptical about the CDUs promises regarding their so-called “Brandmauer” (Firewall) against the extreme right.
The hurdle is that Europe tends to adopt things that are successful in the US, because it is convenient. Even most services and startups based in Europe are more or less copies of US products, with some notable exceptions of highly specialised applications. This unfortunate trend started in the 1970s, when the largest industrial players in Europe thought semiconductors were just a fad and consequently lost their competitive edge. It was seen as less risky to invest in commercially proven concepts than to actually innovate. This continues to bite us in the ass to this day.
Exactly. I think there is a real danger that Merz will turn that into a coalition later and my personal opinion of him is that he is a particularly nasty example of a morally bankrupt piece of shit (and always has been). But let’s stick to the facts. This is neither a cooperation nor a coalition, yet.
Well I think there are Linux evangelists who won’t accept that Linux might not fit everyone’s needs and I despise that attitude. As an example, anyone who professionally works with documents all day knows that the most recommended Linux Office solution is absolutely inferior to the commercially available ones, and yet they push that hard and get really angry if someone begs to differ. There is a lot of ignorance towards the actual needs of users.
On the other hand, there are users who come from an ecosystem they are used to, and they find it hard to adjust to a new one and then blame the unfamiliar territory. I myself am a Linux user for over a decade, and whenever I have to fix something in a Windows system I’m astonished how difficult it actually is compared to what I’m used to. Everything is hidden deeply in seemingly random subsections of subsections of some weirdly named apps, the error codes are cryptic and the available documentation and support forums are borderline useless. In contrast, if I have a problem in Linux, even if I have no clue about the matter at hand, it’s mostly trivial for me to find a solution online. But to an extent I have to blame myself for not being open to learn the Windows way of doing stuff (I’m stubborn and I have a short fuse when things are not working as intended)
What that boils down to essentially, for both the Linux evangelist and the average user who just wants to get shit done: if you’re coming from one ecosystem and you try to assess the feasibility of another, don’t expect things to work as you’re used to, because then you’re only projecting your own limitations.
Naja schön und gut, mein Punkt ist hier dass der MdB durchaus selbst in der Lage sein sollte sich über die bundesweiten Machenschaften der afd zu informieren und dann zu den entsprechenden Schlüssen kommen könnte. Klar kann man abwarten bis jedes einzelne Bundesland zu der Erkenntnis gelangt und klar kann man auch bis nach der Wahl warten, damit es nicht so aussieht als wäre das Verbot ein politischer Schachzug um sich der Konkurrenz zu entledigen. Aber genau da würde ich entschieden widersprechen, denn genau dieses Abwarten und Abwiegeln hat hier möglicherweise katastrophale Folgen für die Demokratie. In den USA ist es im Prinzip ja ähnlich gelaufen, man hat abgewartet mit dem Hinweis auf die bevorstehende Wahl. Und jetzt ist es zu spät, denn Trump wurde gewählt und demontiert nun in rasender Geschwindigkeit Staat und Gesellschaft.
Abwarten ist absolut der falsche Reflex wenn es um das Abwehren von Gefahren geht. Wenn es brennt erwarte ich von der Feuerwehr dass sie löscht und nicht erstmal abwartet ob das Feuer vielleicht von alleine ausgeht.
Danke dir für die interessanten Einblicke in die Materie!
I have to say, my experience with Linux gaming was much better. Most of the games I play work more or less immediately without any tinkering at all. Of course if you play games which are protected by kernel-level anticheat measures then you are pretty much out of luck at this time. And there are other edge cases like you mentioned.
I think while glorifying the Linux gaming experience is wrong, it still has made enormous progress in the last years and it is worth a try for anyone who distrusts or dislikes Microsoft. Breaking monopolies isn’t easy, but I personally think it is necessary to regain ownership over rmy own hardware, even if it makes things a bit more complicated in the beginning.
Yes, I did. Most of the time that works, but there is one game which I absolutely love, Space Engineers, and I could not get that to work with any amount of tinkering.
Edit: I just tried it again. Installation of Proton GE was necessary and had some hiccups. Used command line values from ProtonDB. Space Engineers kind of works now. Performance isn’t great though, some sudden FPS drops.
Er muss gar nichts beweisen. Die afd ist vom Verfassungsschutz und gerichtlich mehrfach bestätigt als “gesichert rechtsextremistisch” eingestuft worden und das wird dem MDB wohl nicht entgangen sein.
Oh no. Won’t someone think of the shareholders.
Well, at least they were pioneers in the art of enshittification.
Are you still sure he’s not an asshole AND stupid at the same time? He tried the same trick twice and failed miserably. Now he’s being mocked by the afd and this dumb and reckless maneuver has probably cost his party quite a lot of votes (and most of those unfortunately will go to the afd).