Went to a corrida in southern France. Apparently it went particularly bad. It was horrific to watch (for the bull).
Went to a corrida in southern France. Apparently it went particularly bad. It was horrific to watch (for the bull).
Wow, thanks a lot for the detailed explanation. More than enough for me for the moment, but it seems I’ll have more changes to make than I thought, and a lot more research.
Care to elaborate for someone that is not in tech? Does twingate fall in that category?
Same in France. All the major parties have been tougher and tougher with immigration for decades, and the far right popularity keeps increasing. It’s just validating them and it solves nothing.
Yeah, it would be nice if people stopped assuming it gender.
Est-ce que vous avez aussi du petrole ? Parceque sur Sh.itjust.work, j’ai regardé partout et on n’a pas de pétrole.
People win elections all the time. People celebrate elections all the time. The last time somebody taking power did a gesture that looked like this was probably in Germany, 1933. This is no coincidence.
Oh, so you’re the one she wants to punch. For a moment I thought it was me, which was worrying. If I were you I’d stay home today. Seems safer.
OK c’est rassurant, merci pour les réponses !
Par curiosité, tu as un bon four ou un four lambda ? On peut faire son pain avec un four pourri ?
Adrian Dittman 1, Adrian Dittman 2,(…), Adrian Dittman 8573.
Is what you are suffering from analysis paralysis? Not that I have any advice’s on that aspect, I never heard of the concept before.
On the other hand, in time you could send a new message to your family to explain why you said you cannot forgive them. Not an apology, just another calm explanation. It might be enough to rebuild some links. Even if they are not that reliable enough, in your situation it is better than nothing. Maybe they had reasons for not helping that they’ll explain when the time comes.
I hope you’ll get better.
I’ve grown used to it. I had it since I was a child, and it became a lot worse after an accident in my 20s. I’ve seen medic but they couldn’t really help. I think it became quieter since then, but I can still hear it well. I’m in my 40s now and I couldn’t care less.
I hope it will be the same for you.
C’est bien triste.
La conclusion de l’article est un peu étrange : “Une chose est sûre : le train des primeurs restera une préoccupation des passionnés du rail.” Pourtant l’article exprime bien dans ses premières lignes l’absurdité générale de la situation. Je trouve que cette conclusion ramène la chose à une anecdote pour geek.
I work in construction. To communicate on site we need to do a lot of quick ugly drawings and writing notes on site in places way too dirty to use a computer. We do it by hand, and of course we write in cursive. I am also extremely bewildered by this post and it comments.
Not of great interest but here you go :
We used to go bathing in the river below the road (here). For a while there was a car on the side of the mountain, about 300meters below the road. The location was pretty much impossible to reach by foot. As a kid I was told it was a car from the rally and the pilots were dead and still inside. Now that I think about it I’m pretty sure the car was plain white, so certainly not a racing car. It was probably an old car somebody threw there because it was cheaper than having it towed to the scrapyard.
Another year though there was a crash on this wall while my brother and his friends seated on top of it. Nobody was hurt but it is kind of sad for the pilots considering it was a few hundred meters from the end of the race.
30 years ago I lived along the road that lead to the Col de Turini. I never thought I’d see that name one day on Lemmy. Each year, before the rallye monte carlo they gave sticker with “rallye monte Carlo” and the year written on it, and we had to put it on our windshield to get to our home the day before and after the rally. I loved those stickers and I was a bit sad when my old car with the stickers died.
They were decimated in the 19th century. They only started coming back in the 90s from Italy.