• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Frankly, I’d really like to play D&D 5e, but I can’t get anyone else to DM. Same for Call of Cthulhu 7e.

    As far as systems I haven’t run before, I’m interested to see what MCDM’s system turns out to be.

    Stars without Numbers seems cool (though I do prefer a system that lets me use dice I can’t find in a Monopoly box).

    I own, but have not played (player or GM) the Avatar Legends system. It looks very lovingly put together, but I wish it hadn’t been built on Fate.

    I’ve also got a neat little indie(?) system called Upwind that is very narrative focused, and has players sort of bet on suggested conflict outcomes against the GM with a hand of cards. Very interesting, but I haven’t had the bandwidth to get ready to run it for anyone.

  • Cool! Does anyone have any myths or legends about the tallest peak? A slumbering creator deity or source of life?

    Do the Vikraghallan city states bicker about petty things like how streets should be laid out? Do they agree on some uniform currency or system of measurement?

    I’ve only heard of Savage Worlds, but never looked into it; I’ve only run D&D 5e and Call of Cthulhu 7e

  • Hi! I know this is almost 3 weeks old, but we need community engagement or else there’s no community

    I see some large mushrooms on the western coast, north of Tzamlitr. If I journeyed there, what would I see? Just a normal forest but with tall mushrooms instead of pine trees? A normal plain with mushrooms instead of grain?

    Where is the tallest mountain? What is the furthest point from which I can still clearly see it’s peak (assuming it’s noticeably taller than its neighbors)?