He’s not ‘jedi mind tricking’ you. He’s correcting you moving the goal post to suit your argument.
You stated they had plans. A political threat and drafting invasion plans are two VASTLY different things.
He’s not ‘jedi mind tricking’ you. He’s correcting you moving the goal post to suit your argument.
You stated they had plans. A political threat and drafting invasion plans are two VASTLY different things.
Yes any state sponsored assainations of private citizens (especially indirectly associated citizens) should be protested. Including the US’sactions… But that’s not what we’re here to talk about now is it?
Also, completely valid to draft plans to invade anyone. Acting on those plans are where the line is crossed.
Oh right my proximity to the problem not only makes me judge, jury, and executioner… But also it’s solely my responsibility to deal with. 🥴
Lay off the meth and let the adults talk buddy
Comparing strategic war plans to state sponsored assainations of private citizens…
Gold medal in mental gymnastics
Down the road from where I live.
Trumps been in office a fucking week and these shit stains are already coming out with confidence.
Edir: oh and our premier hasn’t condemned the act yet (it’s her voting base 😉)
These thresholds are usually about 1-2cm raised and have sloped sides to specifically avoid catching toes.
They’re very common in north America
Give em the ol’ squidward special
She was at where she thought the inauguration was… Didn’t get an invite or a memo of location change 🤣
She wasted tax dollars on a pointless trip that amounted to nothing
Killer known to the VP of the bank.
Most likely some lovers spat or other emotional attack. Doesn’t seem to be anything revolutionary
Honestly… Hell yes
We need to stop following America down that shitty path to fascism
Better than bean juice tho
I’ll die on this hill
I got a big dentist appointment at the end of the month… I’m hoping January goes on for a few more months
I’d be offended if you weren’t 100% correct
Source: Albertan :(
This but opposite… It’s -35° today. Cold enough most cars won’t start unless they have a block heater…
I got a slurpee for lunch. I never giving it up. You can’t make me
Grew up in death valley (50+°C in summer)
Moved to northern Canada (-45°C in winter)
Sometimes humanity is just stubborn. You just a acclimate over time
What a terrible day to be literate
Snowflakes mad at pronouns and DEI
She wasn’t ‘voted in’ in the traditional sense…
Jason Kenney stepped down due to numerous scandals and mishaps. The conservative party of Alberta (The UCP) then held a members only vote to elect their new fuhrer.
70k people picked her in a province of multiple million
It was nice of kim Jong to Un ban them lmao
Here you go