Anon never got a new piece of TP after the first wipe…
Just painting that starfish brown with lavish strokes
Yes. On photo, we don’t care who is driving. Owner gets the fine.
It’s less of a system for correction of bad driving habits and more of a system for renevue generation. Which is shitty
Based Quebecois
That being said aren’t they pretty staunch bloc supporters rather than lib or con
We’ve all done it.
Bastard ruined it for us all
And unreasonable to walk around to read the back plate?
Owner/holder of registration is held liable for any photoradar that is mail based.
Officer based (pulled over) is on whomever is driving the vehicle.
Never seen it be an issue, fault wise
Grew up in a state with front plates… Later I moved to a place with only rear plates…
Idk why the front ones are even needed to be honest… Ease of enforcement?
These comments are the real MVP right here
“One hundred thousand is the most conservative estimate” of the number of bodies buried at the site, said Moustafa, head of the Syrian Emergency Task Force. “It’s a very, very extremely almost unfairly conservative estimate.”
Jesus fucking christ
It’s the little details that can really make a meme
What a legacy to leave behind /s
As is tradition
Are you sure it’s not the removable rice bag in the ass of the sloth that’s supposed to be microwaved… Not the entire plushy?
I have the same one.
Last one?