Whoever took this screenshot is the user with that Discord name
That looks like screenshot from any user to me. The highlighting is the same as me taking a screenshot of a comment where I @ someone else. It also looks the same when I see someone else’s comment @ someone else.
Edit: thank you all for down voting me for admitting that I didn’t notice the difference in the background and replied thinking they might be referring to the name highlighting. Clearly I must have been disagreeing with the comment I replied to and not just trying to learn something!
The message in the OP has a yellow tint to the background along with a yellow line on the left.
Thank you!
I believe the yellow background highlight is the difference
Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Unless I’m missing something it’s just stupid Lemmy hive mind
Because they’re incorrect. The original message has a yellow tint in the background, which is only present for accounts that get mentioned.
Try to make sure you’re in the right before calling other people stupid.
They are right that the hive mind is stupid for down voting a post that states they don’t see what the other person sees. I still can’t even tell the screenshot in the post has a yellow tint, but take others words for being able to tell the difference.
Thank you. I still don’t see the difference, but at least someone explained it after my comment
The highlighting is really hard to see without a contrast from the regular background color, and to be honest I never noticed the bright yellow stripe down the side.
Nathan Higgers, born 13 January, 1988:
Pretty sure i get the rest of it, but not sure I get the dog whistle behind 13 January. What’s the deal with that?
1301, refers to the 13 Teutonic bloodlines united under 1 race
Yeah enlighten us, @[email protected]
Josh Freeman
(the only notable person born on the day)
That’s a train whistle.
How courteous