Oh for sure, I’m not trying to defend the American tax system as being good by any means - it’s most definitely not. But for most people it’s not as bad as some folks seem to believe.
Oh for sure, I’m not trying to defend the American tax system as being good by any means - it’s most definitely not. But for most people it’s not as bad as some folks seem to believe.
Yeah, I’m not by any means trying to say that the American system is the best way of doing things. It’s definitely not, and to be honest I’ve never quite managed to get my state withholding right - I almost always owe a little bit (usually a hundred dollars or so). But some folks seem to have gotten some strange ideas about how bad it actually is.
I’m not sure what country you’re talking about, but I assume the U.S. We do have taxes deducted from payroll, and you fill out a form telling the employer (and the IRS) what amount to deduct based on estimated income, family size, and a couple of other factors. Then in April we have to file our official tax form declaring actual income, and if we owe less than what was deducted from our paychecks we receive that back as a refund, but if we underestimated we have to pay whatever taxes are remaining. The reason that filing taxes is so complicated is the sheer volume of deductions, exemptions, credits, etc that have been piled on top of the tax code over the years (plus lobbying by the tax prep industry). It’s a stupid system, but it’s not as stupid as some people seem to be assuming in this thread. If you set up your withholding right, you shouldn’t ever owe taxes when it’s time to file.
Now, if you’re self-employed or a contractor (and considered self-employed) the whole thing kind of falls apart and it’s a lot easier to wind up owning a bunch of money. Like I said, it is a stupid system, just not quite as crazy as some people seem to be assuming.
You know West Virginia only exists because it broke away from Virginia to stay in the Union, right?
The swarm is so homeless they’ve wandered all the way to Lemmy…
Yeah I grew up in Georgia and I’ve never seen whatever that bullshit on a plate is, lol.
Mostly what I see are pedants who keep arguing that actually it’s a coyote circling the chickens, and that calling it a wolf de-legitimizes actually crying wolf, and that wolves had a very specific platform, and all the while the coyote is getting closer to the fucking henhouse.
Okay, I gotta admit that got me pretty good…
I mean, it’s an opinion piece in the NY Post, what do you expect? Nobody with two brain cells to rub together takes them seriously.
Noun moms (plural moms)
It’s a SDoH (Social Determinants of Health) code (almost certainly Z59.6 - Persons with potential health hazards related to socioeconomic and psychosocial circumstances - Problems Relating to Housing and Economic Circumstances - Low Income).
Probably not intended to be a primary diagnosis. Somebody else mentioned that a lot of EHR software will grab whatever the first diagnosis code is and display it as the primary.
Really leaning into the shit in shitposting, huh?
To be fair, I’m in the southern US and it’s only started to be bearable outside in the last couple of weeks.
I’m pretty sure I have the same thing. People look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them cucumber has a strong, awful taste. I’ve had so many people tell me “cucumber just tastes like crunchy water” but it’s SO strong to me.
Yeah in my experience ChatGPT is much more willing to go along with most (reasonable) prompts now.
This is the later version. In the original, this lady was topless.
I love the people that are involved with Dimension 20, but I haven’t really been able to get into any AP shows in a while. I think I’m just busier than I used to be. I listened to most of Fantasy High S1 and enjoyed a lot of it, but just couldn’t really get into the rest of it. I like seeing clips of the different seasons, I’d love it if they could release some kind of edited or abridged version of each of the seasons or something.
MoR was the most excruciatingly self-congratulatory thing I have ever had the misfortune to read. I understand that some people like it, and more power to them, I guess, but I found it to be painfully bad.
I have lived in Georgia, and I can confirm that this is true…
What the actual fuck is that image on the screen?