Loops.video maybe?
Loops.video maybe?
Now I have to find some pineapple amaro. I don’t think the sell it heirloom stuff in my state tho
I always just use
find | grep -i <partial file name>
How long until we deploy troops to Russia to help in their invasion of the Ukraine?
When it it the third or fourth “mistaken firing” it isn’t really a mistake.
Stray has a great soundtrack
I found this somewhere and thought it was a pretty good explanation for all the symbolism in his performance.
And even tho I’m not super familiar with his music, I do respect him and an artist and really enjoyed the show.
Edit: and Serena crip-walking on Drake getting called a pedophile on international TV was just the icing on the cake for me.
My boss, who as far as I can tell, still supports Trump, but is getting super pissed off. One of our suppliers in Canada wrote us a very earnest letter in mid January about how the upcoming tariffs were probably going to destroy his business, but he still wanted to be there to provide is excellent made in Canada parts. He said he would be forced to raise costs 25 percent on February 2nd. My boss got worried and put in 40-50 grand worth or orders that day to several of our Canadian suppliers, just for the Feb 2 to some around and Trump to say “sike!”. Now he is pissed that Trump is going to the Superbowl “how much is it going to cost us in taxes?”. His decisions to support trump are biting him where it really hurts: his wallet. It’s hard for me to remove the grin from my face.
Have you watched the news in the US in the time period since the original post? Has any news media even mentioned this? A post on mastodon is great. I would venture that 99% of the population from the US doesn’t use Mastodon, tho I don’t really know for sure the numbers . Of the percentage that do, how many are going to see this person’s post?
Probably not. Sooner rather than later most free press will be shut down by trump and the only news that anyone will get is whatever there government wants you to hear. Stories like this will disappear.
I appreciate that. She was an amazing person. I told her she was just dying so she didn’t have to suffer through another Trump presidency.
When I took my pixel 8 pro to ubreakifix they told me they don’t fix them there at all… They just send it to Google. Why would I ever go there if I could just send it to Google myself? It’s such a stupid place to have as an official warranty provider
31 days of perfect health and then drop dead? Or 31 days of slow, debilitating, crushing agony and pain and then death? I just lost my best friend to perotineal cancer, from diagnosis to her passing was 97 days. She made plans to travel with her daughter, spend time with friends, write a will, etc. but she ended up spending a majority of that time in the hospital on heavy duty narcotics and offer her nut because of them. I don’t think anyone would plan on spending their last 31 days like that but it’s more realistic.
Tldr: do the things you would do with news like this now… Don’t wait until it might be impossible.
It’s the pyramid scheme of religion: you only get saved if you brought a bunch of people to the religion cult. Only 144000 people will be saved. At a certain point there are no more people to bring to the cult and the bottom ones/newest initiates won’t have anyway to make money get saved
Let me preface by saying I am not a lawyer, but from what I read and what I have followed over the years:
Afik you cannot reject commutation: commutation happens when one punishment is replaced with another, less severe one… I.e. people on death row being taken off and put into life without the possibility of parole. I know in Connecticut, when the governor took everyone off death row, some of the inmates sued him in an attempt to keep it from happening, but I don’t think they were successful.
On the other hand: When someone is pardoned, their conviction stands, it is not removed. They are still a convicted felon, but their legal consequences are removed, they also are not able to be prosecuted in any way again for the same crime/set of crimes. If they are pre-pardoned (i.e. before a judgment is made) the case is withdrawn and does not move forward. It has little do to with conviction status, more to do with the punishment phase, and since there can be no legal consequences, there is no point in pursuing the trial.
Ultimately I think (especially in his guys case) it’s moot. His reasons to reject the pardon is he realizes what he did is felonious, and the pardon doesn’t change his felony conviction status.
Descent for me. This or some kmfdm.
What the font is such a great tool!
I’m sure they will blame the libs and the Democrats for it because they are the ones pushing for a bigger minimum wage. Without it, employer’s can collude to drive down wages, making higher paying alternative jobs non existent. Everything pays pennies!
I have a mikrotik at home and generally believe it to be a very solid product. A take aways from this hack:
mikrotik doesn’t bill themselves as “consumer grade”. It’s a huge learning curve to get started with them. There are graphical tools but it’s not much different then Cisco or juniper. You can put in bad or faulty configurations and the router will happily do the bad or faulty things you told it to.
It only effects routers that are severely misconfigured routers. You need specific services turned on, and have dns grossly misconfigured. Depending on your use case at home it is doubtful a hone user would do this. Also
the man thing I don’t like about my device is that the software isn’t open source. The hardware is quite well known tho and there are ports of *wrt and opensense that run on it , plus you probably could just run a Linux distro on it if you wanted. The bootloader isn’t locked down. It’s an arm64 computer with a lot of network ports.
That being said I really like the router itself. Performance is great, price is amazing. It does anything and everything I ask it to.
I guess that would succeed in killing off a bunch of the elderly and infirmed, which be a huge savings to Medicare and social Security, so it’s a win-win right?
/S if it wasn’t implied already