Ah, traveller. Welcome back to the fire.
Tell us what you saw from beyond the fedivale… But not too much, mind you. We still want to leave something for young explorers to find 😉
They are children with enough money to have a say in a war. They don’t understand what war is. Not really. At some point they will say the wrong thing to the wrong person and it won’t end well. Not for them, not for America, not for the rest of us. They think they are in charge but they are not. Putin will kill them both without a second thought if he thought he’d get away with it. They genuinely don’t know the danger they are in, and Musk wearing his kid like a bullet proof vest won’t save him either.
They need to be taken down before that happens. So either get protesting, America, or get another Luigi. The only choice now is who takes down Trump and if America goes with him.
So what’s happened here is you’ve formed a strong opinion, had some minor confirmation at some point, and projected that opinion onto everyone else as if they agree with you.
They don’t.
Sure, some might, but generally people are trying to figure out if you are a troll or just stupid.
That’s kinda the point I think. The only thing they had was the aesthetic and they half assed that so its kinda pointless 😄 Not only do they not have the original fans, they won’t have any new fans either. Just a waste of everyones time.
I’m no expert, but my take was that the trucks are just luxury vehicles and not actually designed to handle that amount of weight. So they were buying expensive, showy vehicles, and trying to use them like actual work horses.
Whether that is a result of lack of research on the owners perspective, or the manufacturer misrepresenting the vehicle is unclear to me though. Probably both.
To add on, if you are set on using nginx then it’s easy to set up https with certbot
Fucking Tesla couldn’t even get right and left the correct way around…
You are clearly a person of wisdom and I wish to subscribe to your news letter.
Corporate rules rarely care about logic.
It’s possible to enjoy a piece of media and still dislike the creator. We’d have a pretty dull world if we just discarded everything made by bad people.
Oh, but don’t you see? DON’T YOU SEE NOW, CHILD?! You do understand…
Nobody knows. Nobody.
All those people who you looked up to for guidance? Clueless.
They didn’t know what they were doing either! They were just more experienced at guessing.
Sorry, might have lost my mind a little there… What were we talking about?
Devilish 😈 Do dare dream
Doesn’t sound like there is anything wrong mate. Keep grinning at the world. Smiling is infectious and we damn well need it!
It is until you have to work for someone else. I should have kept it as a hobby…
Yeah, all three.