how else are they going to make money off the tv 😭
how else are they going to make money off the tv 😭
someone didn’t get the simpsons reference
yeah what this man/gal said always look forward to your posts, it’s a nice break from the rest of the feed
oh no he definitely knows, he just threatened to annex Canada because we don’t agree with the tariffs
so revolutionary and brave; adding a spectating feature that’s been in games for 20 years
honestly for the amount of people on those servers, i’ve had surprisingly few bad experiences, everyone is always either roleplaying or just being ridiculous and it’s always a great time. 10/10 would recommend holdfast
it ain’t great
wew lad maybe read up on it a bit more
nuh uh, make it laser guided
it’s not though? if we’re talking about their emotional or even academic performance, sure I’d say it might be a bit of a stretch as your brain continues development well into your mid-late 20s but yeah why not, it’s pretty innocuous.
but when the topic is getting paid for sex…you still wanna call them young adults? why not 16 y/o as well? 15 is only two years away, that’s a young adult too, no?
fuck outta here with that shit. she’s under 18, she’s legally a child. there is nothing disingenuous about that, it’s literally the law.
i don’t think you’ll get any more info from him. op is kinda known for dropping to his knees for the ccp
yeah guys why don’t we just call our cats the hard r, that’s much better
i forgot i put those there to control the deer population
pretty positive it’s this:
![]( -51ced4620c4c.png)
looks like he put it on with his teeth, wtf
not at all what i expected from that title, but a very interesting read nonetheless. thanks for sharing
he lives in the part of the world that uses the silly measurements