• 7 Posts
Joined 11 个月前
Cake day: 2024年4月27日

  • I am a living breathing example of a kid who got a phone at 17, I had a bit of a honeymoon period with it, had lots of fun and distraction, but eventually got used to it and actually use it for organising my schoolwork to do list, check the weather and my daily schedule.

    I do tend to use social media on it, but only on the bus, since that’s usually when I don’t have anything else to do. I self limit my screen time pretty well, usually only 30 mins to an hour total per day, and I’ve always had all my devices without parental control systems, since my parents never knew how to set them up.

    Also, you saying it’s never about algorithms designed to siphon your attention is inherently incorrect of a statement. They literally have hundreds of data metrics to effectively lock you into staring at the screen mindlessly, although parenting also has a part to play, since you also should teach your child on how to control their attention and harness it to actually do something fulfilling, though many parents don’t know how to.

  • My dude, it’s just a silly meme about dildos, that’s all.

    It kinda makes sense now how half of your comment history is removed by mods, you seem to just be throwing politics wherever for no reason and you go on rants so often that honestly, it seems to be harassment of multiple people for the fact they aren’t constantly denouncing Nazism in a comment in a dildo shitpost.

    Either you’re insane or a politics bot, no in-between.

  • Yeah no, you might just be the former. Sure, appearance and body language sometimes works due to stereotyping, but it’s definitely not the most reliable metric.

    I wanna see you try to guess my political leaning, who knows, with your ‘incredible accuracy’ you might just get it right.