Bill Gates seems to be like that. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like him and he’s still doing lots of shitty billionaire stuff, but he seems to be satisfied with “just” being a billionaire and making sure his offspring will be billionaireswon’t starve as well and giving away a lot of the money he will never be able to spend on his own anyway. Same goes for George Soros and Warren Buffet.
Please don’t tell him it was Britain, or he’ll be invading France next.
The original question was
But are they worried the US won’t defend if a NATO country is attacked?
and I’m pretty sure the current US won’t. In fact, here’s my prediction on what will happen:
In the upcoming weeks Trump and Putin will split the Ukraine between the two of them. Encouraged by that success, Putin will try to invade Finland in order to reinstate the Russian Empire. Most of NATO will of cause stand with Finland, but Trump (confusing Finland with Denmark, as no true American can tell these nordic countries apart) tries to make a deal: “If Finland wants our support, they must hand over Greenland”. As Finland obviously can’t do that, Trump will say: “Then we must invade Greenland before the Russians get it”. But confusing Greenland with Canada (as no true American can tell these nordic countries apart) he will actually invade Nova Scotia. TBH, I think this orange idiot is so clueless, he might actually try to invade Alaska, believing it to be Canada.
He has threatened Canada that they’ll be the 51. US-State, he has threatened Denmark by saying he’ll “liberate” Greenland. A war of aggression usually doesn’t directly start by invading it, but with unrealisable claims and wrong accusations:
That’s how you talk to countries you’re planning to invade and not to countries you’re planning to protect from invasion.
Haven’t you watched the news in the last 5 weeks? How can you expect the USA to defend a NATO country while they themselves are the aggressor?
Even Hitler had a lower approval rating in the 1933 elections than Trump in 2025. And that was when he was already in power, the first oppositionals where in prison, opposing newspapers were banned and these guys were patrolling in front of the polling stations.
That’s what serious voter suppression looks like.
I don’t know, counting to four seems to be something he’s barely just capable of.
Here you go
It’s really great how docker shifted the problem from “works on my machine” to “works with my version of docker”.
cp is short for create packup
Yesterday I learned that Keanu isn’t USian but in fact Canadian. Today I wonder how he’s not at the top of this list.
Incidentally, in German the lion also isn’t called king of the jungle, but king of the animals. But I don’t know if that means von animals or zu animals 🤔.
An(n)ons favourite song:
ulimit -H -u 10
will (hard)limit the current process (the shell) to 10 subprocesses. You can also use it to limit the number of open files etc.
To globally configure that for a user/group you’d use /etc/security/limits.conf
If you want to prevent users from filling up the disk, take a look into quota.
He might be the teacher, a social worker or a parent.
I’d scold the sysadmin instead for not cofiguring critical systems in a secure way. Ulimit exists for a reason.
To be fair, yor risk of being shot at is much higher in an elementary school in Portland than in the Swiss army.
o.O I never knew there even was support for Windows 95. At least it was a time before Windows Update, and I don’t know of any Service Packs either. It would have been a pain to download anyway, with my 56k modem and the 20Pfg/min price tag 😬
Banned internationally under the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention.