Not ChatGPT much - keeping track of what I’m trying to accomplish while also crafting an effective prompt with the right level of specificity / guiding the tool through multiple revisions etc is also pretty EF demanding sometimes. I guess I can find the “blank canvas” of a chat prompt overwhelming as a starting point.
On the other hand, more ADHD-focused tools built on top of the models that power chatGPT like goblin.tools are amazing for this type of stuff!
I recently learned about Pathological Demand Avoidance - it’s been helpful as a framework for me to understand some of my own frequent experiences in this area. Particularly in the instances when it’s all internal: a goal I’ve set or a promise I’ve made to myself can often become the one thing I will avoid at all costs for no apparent reason. Between PDA and just general executive dysfunction (yayy AuDHD), learning about these things helps me understand why it can be so unbelievably hard for me to get anything done sometimes. Still sucks, but it makes more sense :)