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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • That would be an incredibly bad argument. Because it’s not a motive, it’s just descriptive. “we’re at the top so we have the right” it’s just a claim we make for ourself without considering how we got there… and what if a smarter, more advanced alien race would come down to earth and conquer us? Would they agree that since they are top of the chain now they have “the right” to slaughter us? Obviously not. So then we would claim: “we’re smart! Look, we know math. And love… we also feel pain.”. So these are important to us.

  • It was a fun run but sadly Reddit Admins have the only thing that matters now… power. They will ban everyone in their way and replace them with some puppet or someone who doesn’t care about the api fiasco. Most of them will cave in. They have no choice, because they don’t hold any real power to attempt a coup. You know who should quit? Users. But they obviously don’t care about the cause enough. Imagine if everyone quit for a month …

  • Certo che non ci vanno la per idolatrarli. Infatti non è una critica a chi ci va. Ma forse ai creatori… è come immortalare il loro operato e farli sentire importanti. Cioè letteralmente dedicargli una mostra… mi sembra offensivo alle vittime in primis. E di cattivo gusto. Detto ciò ne conosco parecchi e morbosamente affascinano, ma visto che sono quasi tutti psicopatici antisociali senza remore non vedo perché debbano essere ricordati con nome e cognome e tanto di targhetta celebrativa.

  • Illegal content… well it depends. Illegal informations and piracy tricks? Already happening. But beyond that… illegal medias need to be stored and at large somewhere. It’s still better to do illegal shit on WhatsApp or Telegram (as it still happens) because messages, unlike here, are end to end private. I don’t think this is so novel, it isn’t in fact, that authorities or admins don’t know what to do. Also illegal is too generic. Laws vary from country to country as well. I don’t see Lemmy becoming any sort of terrorist hub anytime soon.

  • Sono appassionato di true crime. Ma mi vengono i brividi a pensare a questa mostra. Andarci per me sarebbe come riconoscere il valore dei serial killer come autonomo e indipendente, all’americana. Preferisco focalizzarmi sul crimine e le indagini. Non mi piace l’attenzione morbosa che si beccano sti pezzi di merda… scusate. Sono convinto che più li idolatriamo più si materializzi il fenomeno. È esattamente quel tipo di ammirazione che dà ispirazione agli school shooters. Sarei a favore di una damnatio memoriae e un divieto esplicito ai media di menzionare nome, cognome e volto dei bastardi.

  • Not really no… even from a “single” cell point of view they inherit different biological junk that floats in the extracellular fluid of the mother (forgot the name, probably transcription factors). Also you should specify homozygote twins cuz twins can be of different sex! Anyhow… they share all DNA 100% but that doesn’t make them “the same”. Even in utero they might be exposed to different, albeit.small, stimuli. Maybe one is receiving slightly more nutrients bc he’s attached first etc etc. Life is so complicated that there’s many different things that can change! So then after birth they will still be exposed to similar but not identical environments and stimuli. They will eventually diverge and can, and do, become very different individuals, even from a mere biological pov.