Languages I can speak: Hungarian, Lisp, Broken Engrish
The question is what is the biggest couch. That’s a non optimal solution on the gif, there are bigger couches which can fit
It’s also mentioned on the wiki page, I’m astonished it could be solved finally, lets wait for the reviews!
Wow! A math meme! Is this the 3d version of the unsolved moving sofa problem?
gambling drugs childsupport
been there done that, happynewyear
During the Vietnam war the US used eerie sounds as a scare tactic against local population: It’s strange that such believes are still these common in the region
I usually drink 6-8 beers at a house party, but I never drink spirits. There is a bottle of vodka and whiskey on the counter, so if he is an abstinent, beers are for one friend, spirits for the other.
Yeah and only 7 beers? Was he waiting for one or two person only?
Youcan directly link images from imgflip (yet).
Page url:
Direct link to image, move i at the start add jpg at the end:
As an image in description or comment:
My friend did this once. Asked the seller to declare a smaller price on the package, than customs office asked for an invoice from my friend, and he just photoshopped the lower price to the invoice and submitted. It was from China to Europe, and not second hand, just a good guy seller from aliexpress. I guess if you do this frequently you can get into big trouble. But they don’t have the manpower to doublecheck everything
Your memories are fading, they are always an alliteration.
Its name was Transgender Tapir.
Or maybe you mixed up with the previous one Sadomasochist Seagull
I had to check if it’s the real name or a made up one. Stopped following Ubuntu naming around Bisexual Beaver
Than what is the connection if it doesn’t matter who proposed it? You said they are related because Hungary proposed it. Your two comments contradict themself.
I know what these laws about I just wrote that the news about spying on OLAF came out on the same week is not really related to the other news. Shitty governments, mini dictators do awful things all the time, I know, I live in this, but they rarely reach the global news sites. Now 2 news appeared on international sites at the same time, that’s all the direct connection.
Also that’s just my not fully related take that I like to differentiate targeted spying from mass surveillance. Both of them are terrible and shouldn’t happen but the goals and tools used for them are very different. This news is about targeted surveillance, and common folks doesn’t have to fear from such an intrusion, because the tools used hardly scale to more order of magnitude targets. This news is about wiretapping a handful of individuals, not about using laws to read all messages.
No, he didn’t propose that, this process is ongoing since 2022, and originally it was proposed by Ylva Johansson a Swedish politician. More info on this proposal:
As I wrote before, from 2024 July to December Hungary hosts the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It means EVERY new legislation in this half year will be tied to this country. From January the host will be Poland, so you will read the same news not about Hungary but about Poland.
That’s true that the host can decide what topics should be discussed but as you can see it didn’t passed.
Orbán is in the opposition in EU parliament, his party is in the group Patriots for Europe, as he was kicked from EPP, he was too far right for them. They are not part of the current commission (aka EU government) and they won’t get any positions there.
There are local trackers everywhere, try to get an invite to them. I’m Hungarian, we have several invite only trackers for dubbed movies and other local content. Even they are invite only, it’s really easy to get an invite as a lot of folks have account on them.
For that kind of content I would look for your local communities on reddit, fb or whatever social media is common in your country. Try to find out what others use, and try to get an invite there.
Fmhy has a list of non-english sources:
What is your use case, I 'm just simply interested.
My workflow for finding things, I know where I want to search it for, e.g. a torrent site or a specific forum or network, and search there. If I would search for something on a general search engine like those, even if it would give good results, I would have to weed out the fake and scam results. While if I search on an already reputable site or source I don’t have to deal with that.
It seems like Cuck Lives Matter after all.
Other alternative meanings:
I wasn’t active on the AITA like subreddits, I only wandered there from r/all, and usually saw there only 2 acronyms: NTA and YTA or something like that. Maybe they had other ones, but the vast majority were these 2. And without proper knowledge it was clear, that they basically mean Yes and No. Here it’s not really straightforward, and not everyone uses them yet.
I’m not against communities having borderline annoying and stupid rules, it’s just early yet, with few subscribers and most of the comments don’t use them. E.g. it should be a rule that all top level comments should start with these acronyms, I’m pretty sure everyone would learn these things quickly. On the aforlinked post from yesterday, only one of these were used, so I didn’t even expect it should be some local specific thing. If every second comment contained CLM,I would have figured out something special going on here, CLM is not just about the Cucks
The “live action” version was released some years ago, and I remember it, yeah it’s a special kind of autism.
what is “the Bluetooth”? Speaker? Headphone? Mouse?
Does the meme means that you check out from the gathering and listen to your bluetooth headphone? Or does it mean you connect to the family hifi via bluetooth and everyone will have to listen to the music of your favorite metal band/speeches of your favorite dictator?