And many kinds of fish! Like clown fish : ]
And many kinds of fish! Like clown fish : ]
Yes this! I hate when people say biology supports their trans/homo/ect. phobia when in reality it absolutely does not
This is great and it works well thematically and in composition. So why does it bother me so much that elephants only really trumpet(heh trump)with their trunks and they most certainly can’t hear with them. So why is the phone so far from the ears and mouth…
ಥ‿ಥ why am i like this
What wete they before?
How hard is it to not serve something that won’t produce 3rd degree burns. I mean come on, really?
You wrote “couldn’t load a gun if you handed them one”. That implies liberals don’t own guns. So the inverse is conservatives own guns.
Unless you mean even if they own a gun they still don’t know how to load it?
Use their search/filtering options to find what you want, and buy it elsewhere. :]
You really think conservatives are the only ones who own guns? Really?
Every example you gave is still inappropriate, as they are not about work. I worked in the public sector and that would have been shut down. Federal employees are held to a higher standard, especially if they have a high security clearance. They get funny about spending because it is tax payers dollars. Using a work computer on a government account during paid hours to talk about personal things, nope. There are a bunch of rules they were breaking.
I’m not saying they they weren’t targeted, but they were still in the wrong.
But it was a group chat for work. In anything even a little bit security driven it’s only for work related activities, just like email. I can’t imagine talking about anything related to sex or medical operations on teams.
My mother has the opposite effect. Her mere presence makes electronics behave oddly. The number of times IT has said to her “I’ve never seen this before” is ridiculous. One of my favorites was when spell check on word started flagging everything as a spelling mistake. This was of course because she SOMEHOW changed the reference dictionary to Portuguese. With key shortcuts. Unknowingly. More than once
Essentially the same. You should try crochet! It’s very fun.
Omg I hate back stitching. Worse part of finishing an amigurumi too. Lol
That makes perfect sense, past behavior definitely changes things. I appreciate the explanation.
I ment the tone of the original post complaining about the trans woman playing on the women’s team. I appreciate that article and agree with it. But I don’t really feel bad about doing it to people who are expressing anger because trans people exist.
I would be interested in any articles you have about the biological changes I was talking about. I would love to read anything you have. I’m going off of general classes I took in college. Like developmental, human, and cell biology. Nothing was specific on transitioning, just the general sexual dimorphism in humans.
The expression is perfect! I always mess up the face. Was this a pattern?
I vote frame! Go to Walmart and get a frame and mat it yourself. :)
I’m not a fan of the tone they are using to discuss this. There is a difference from transitioning before puberty vs after. There are specific biological differences that a mtf woman will have that hormones won’t change. There is an issue that needs to be resolved with sports. I don’t know what the solution is, but shutting down conversation doesn’t seem like it. Shutting down transphobia, yes absolutely. I hope I’m not coming off poorly.
I would like to know what a 6 year old and a 40 year old are learning in the same class.
Species actually don’t have a rigid definition that works across all organisms. The most common definition is the one you gave but sometimes it simply doesn’t work, for example any organism the doesn’t use sexual reproduction doesn’t fit this definition. Clarification of extinct populations would also be an issue. Even considering organisms this is usually used with, there are exceptions. For example; domesticated cattle and American bison, coyotes and wolves, and most cat breeds with various wild species.