Wow! I would have guessed somewhere in the uk. Your painting is beautiful
Wow! I would have guessed somewhere in the uk. Your painting is beautiful
I did not know that! That is so cool!
Good job! Now do it again tomorrow! You got this (⁀ᗢ⁀)
Talk to my therapist and try to do something that helps people or animals.
Siberia is entirely in Russia. There aren’t many countries in the artic. North America was torn up by glaciers, Greenland and Iceland are hotspots, any of the European countries are very mountainous. Siberia is mostly permafrost and has been for a long while. Added to that, Russia has the most landmass in the artic circle.
Has he heard of the French revolution? That was a bit of lasting change
Ground sloths sound absolutely amazing! Until you see how big their claws were. I wonder if they had moss and things growing in their fur like modern tree sloths do.
Oh-bye-o is fantastic!
My cat was terrified of my rat’s! Granted one of my girls was a psycho and would straight up attack.
Well I’m terrible at this game because all 4 of those look like different people
Oh yeah, that fucking show was bullshit. For whatever reason they decided Carole made a better “bad guy”. Even though she was actually a victim, and they lied to her about the direction the show was going in. Even though her life story seems to be amazing. The things she has survived and is still making it her life’s mission to help big cats, it’s just awe inspiring.
It wouldn’t really matter, there would be another reason for hate.
Yeah agreed.
These people suck, and got those animals killed unnecessarily.
Yes, and was also destroyed to test for rabies. They are still updating the article, that’s probably why you didn’t see it. :)
I agree it is tragic these animals were destroyed, especially when it was so easily available.
I’m not quite sure what you were referring to here. But what I meant was that the addition of the raccoon shows a pattern. If it was just one animal then yeah that’s not great but it’s not terrible. And yes because it was a squirrel and had a very low chance of having rabies it was minimally dangerous. Keeping a squirrel vs a bobcat are two different things. But if someone makes the wrong choice and takes a baby animal long enough that it can no longer be returned to the wild, then yes they should keep it if they can safely do so, both for the animal and the people. A license also requires a certain amount of training, and confirms that the animal is safe and the community is safe from the animal. And no, I would relocate them if possible. I have helped return a fawn that a neighbor mistakenly though had been abandoned. I have helped bats, birds, possum, snakes, frog, chipmunks, and even mice navigate out of my house/garage. I have also found injured animals and did the best I could for them. Twice a called a local wildlife rehab because of a injured animal. One of which was a bat, he was released back to the wild this past spring. I love animals and that is why I do my best to learn what is best for them.
For me the fault all falls the owner. I had ferrets and they can have allergic reactions to vaccines, and vaccines were not required. I always vaccinated them because of this exact reason. If they ever bit someone, all it would take is that person to raise a stink for my animal to be killed. It wouldn’t matter if it was their fault or not. Because at the emd of the day animal control is there to protect people. They have to do terrible things sometimes to protect people. The laws are there for a reason and they cannot pick and choose when to follow them. They were notified of an issue and after they had to investigate, what they found was illegal. The outcome can be terrible without the people who executed it being terrible.
Yea, when it’s a tiger its bad but when its a squirrel it’s ok. Plus big cat rescue (Carroll Baskins rescue) actually has licenses, State organizations regularly send seized animals to them, and they have an active program to rehabilitate wild bobcats.
Naw it’s all good thanks! I’m dyslexic so I swap the vowels, I’ve always done it. Lol
They recently obtained a raccoon. Which are one of the most common animals to get rabies. He also attempted to release the squirrel when it was 8 months old. It came back injured. It could have been infected then, rabies can lie dormant for years.
*cockatiel (◕દ◕)