A month ago I got a murse, my phone goes on it now asking with my wallet and keys and change. I can’t go back.
A month ago I got a murse, my phone goes on it now asking with my wallet and keys and change. I can’t go back.
Currently trying N64, Sega Genesis. Would like to eventually try GameCube, and maybe Switch in the future.
Could anyone help me with getting BIOS for emulating please?
I wish I had gone a trade route, all my experience is in auto insurance, claims adjusting, damage estimates, appraisals. Makes me feel limited even over here. Hard to switch careers right now with the baby. I appreciate the words of encouragement though!
I’m 33 and have a 1 year old son, I feel like the ship has sailed for me.
Jealous! I’d love to be able to move out of the US, but seems you need certain jobs in order to go. Don’t think I qualify, so will continue to be a slave to the system here.
How come all the posts on my feed mention “rule”?
What are these?
If people want to eat the poopoo, let them. It’s none of my business.
I wish I had backed the new expansion. I hadn’t played my spirit island copy for a while so I skipped the expansion, but in the past 3 months I have played it tons.
I have the opposite issue, I don’t want blur and can’t find how to disable.
Feels like I never find any red dots anymore.
I finished the first campaign of Isofarian Guard and then set up for some Final Girl 2, but didn’t get a chance to play yet.
Unfortunately has not.
My issue is the level scaling. Feels like every fight has been the same difficulty the entire game and I never get stronger.
I like it, the thermal dmr feels like it shoots pebbles though…
I’ve got the awakened Realms edition pledged!
Brotato, game of the year for me.