What is the effect toward the bottom that looks like a line of circles?
What is the effect toward the bottom that looks like a line of circles?
See, trickle down economics works ladies and gents /s
It’s very difficult to reconcile situations such as mine where all but two in my immediate family are reliable red voters whose candidates want to remove rights from myself and my friends who are mostly some form of queer.
11 years to be precise. Using hilariously dated norms beyond undermines this guy’s message
Not exactly the same premise that you described, but just a first reaction on the title is try Final Fantasy X. It’s certainly got time travel elements as well as amnesia!
Let me just go harass the theater workers to do that.
I’m hoping this will prevent toxic gym membership cancellation practices
It’s an honest shame their corporate dysfunction wastes all this potential.
Thank you. Now I’ll be thinking about the relative importance of this measurement vs per capita measurements in different contexts.
“…the ongoing eastward and southward shift of the world’s economic and political centre of gravity.”
Citation needed
Ya this is unfortunate but typical of so many kickstarter games. Back around 2011-2012 when kickstarter games were really taking off I backed quite a few. I think I’ve been able to play 2 maybe 3 tops. Lesson learned: it’s just very easy to underestimate time to deliver on lofty promises. Ideas are cheap; execution is what’s insane. Many of these were individuals or tiny groups with little or no real world experience in industry so no experience with project management; it’s really no wonder.
My organization has always held back new MacOS releases until the IT team completes internal testing and validation. This is pretty typical and enterprises should be used to this.
Bugs aside, new releases may have behavioral changes and that’s true of any OS.
While I’m looking forward to it, you’ll be relieved to know that if my memory serves for iPhones it’s limited to iPhone 15 and later.
Although I do wonder if the cloud computed side of the features will be for all devices. They described the features as being on device for all but the heaviest lifting.
Butt why
At that age that was likely a pension.
But I mean, same.
It’s awful and annoying — not to mention often illegal depending on where you are — but it does happen and not just with Samsung. Recommend not spending more energy on this and just filter with emails
I feel it’s like asking how are these ancient gigantic moving stone contraptions functioning when you encounter them hundreds or thousands of years after they were built in video games or adventure movies. Don’t have a cow man.