I love my surface duo for ds emulation!
I love my surface duo for ds emulation!
I recently finished main story in bully on ps2 (emu). About 55% completion after end mission, and 11 hrs. Did some additional missions to get me up to about 65% and then retired the game as im not all that crazy about hunting down blue rubber bands and whatnot. Did most of the classes, but lacked a few art and photography.
Moved to another ps2 title now: jak & daxter the precursor legacy. No experience with this series before, but enjoyable first 45 mins which is what i have been able to play so far.
Neverwinter nights still on the backburner for now, and tomorrow i will play some kind of multiplayer game with an old uni buddy of mine, but not decided which one yet
Jeg er blevet så mægtig glad for Osmand, som kort/gis-app.
I tilfelle du ikke er klar over det: hvis du har android, så får du osmand+ gratis om du laster ned fra f-droid (der man for øvrig får mange gode foss-apps). Jeg er også veldig glad for osmand - men det krever noe tid å sette det opp slik man vil!!
I remember appreciating the old school feel of the cockpit screen in the x-wing in rogue one. They did not try to modernize that at all
When watching some videos from retro game youtube channels, they tend to point to how much more daring they were back then, and all new games will just safe it. New aaa games cost so much they cant fail, but then a flop was to a larger extend “meh” and move on for the studio. Guess that made some of these games feel more freaky as you say
I just completed bully on the ps2 (emulated on pcsx2)! Had a lot of fun, planning on going for jak & daxter series next i think. I never owned the console myself, so there are many gems ive never tried, and many i only played at friends houses sporadically.
This thread is a gold mine for suggestions!
I love soulcalibur 2! I played it (and still play sometimes) on gamecube tho, but apart from a different special character (link from zelda in the gc version), its the same game. Tried soulcalibur 3 as well, but didnt really get into it - cant put my finger on why, but it was ages since i tried 3
He will just make a mcdonalds a national park and name that after himself
Ive never used their software, but it exists for android, so maybe you can use it on linux with waydroid?
I have the original and it works both with 2.4ghz and bluetooth out of the box. Been a very good experience.
Just chiming in that lower decks was what really set the snowball running for me (having before only seen first three seaons of disco, first season of picard, some of the tng movies ages ago and the chris pine movies). Even if you dont catch all the references, lower decks is a very enjoyable series and i plan to rewatch it after having seen the other stuff. Did snw first after lower decks and liked that a lot, and currently doing tng and enjoying that a lot.
But arent services like accuweather just reselling data gathered and processed by NOAA?
Id have thought he would choose a language he had a better grasp of
Those are on my to-play list for ps2-games as well!
Been continuing my playthrough of bully on ps2 (emulated) since last week. About 35-40% in now. Really enjoying it. Controls are abit clunky and the story can seem a little incoherent at times (eg suddenly a character has disappeared from the school right after doing a mission where he was very much present), but overall it is just alot of fun. Not big on collecting things so wonder what % is needed to complete main story. But got my eyes open to ps2 catalogue now as i never owned this myself and there are lots of gems i have barely or never played before. Was recommended the other ps2-era rockstar games red dead revolver, the warrioes and manhunt last week and i will check those out later.
Intended to play some more neverwinter nights, but didnt find the time. Had a real dnd session tho
Maybe you want to communicate through an encrypted service?
Ive recently picked up Bully for the ps2. Only about 5% in but finding it entertaining. Reskinned ps2-era gta with the same kind of humor. Still have neverwinter nights on the pc but not picked that up in a couple of weeks because i died on a boss and i dont like to die (im not patient in that sense). But also liked that and will try to play some more this week end.
“Very less” is very common in indian english
Great post! Very enjoyable format. Will be checking out Deliverance on GOG (first one first, these games have entirely slipped my radar until now)