I can’t remember who said it but: If you being a good person depends on the fear of eternal damnation, then you are not a good person.
Funny how they preach “the market will regulate itself” until it regulates itself in the “wrong direction”. And all of a sudden something needs to be done by “the government”.
I always recommend it… But also with the warning: You will only be able to watch it once!
The breaking point for me is when his sister is chewing on the bottons.
Grave of the fireflies… Sometimes the trailer is already enough… F*** can’t even rewatch the thing…
One of the biggest problems with touch is still that you have to take your eyes off the road (for quite some time). I have no issue if we are talking about some internal media center stuff and you still have some sort of haptic button on a steering wheel. But as soon as we are talking about AC, fans and everything you sometimes need to drive, I’m off.
I still wonder if it he “attack surface” of a camera based system could be a “looney toons” approach… Painting a tunnel on a wall… 🤔. Does anybody know?
Looks like miced patties to me. (Faschierte Laibchen in German…) We Always have them with mashed potatoes.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, watching it every year on christmas,… Still laughing my ass off.
Found two… and a near miss 🤣
Japanese and Italian… One is easier than the other… Take a guess 😜
Discworld - Hogfather. In particular the speech of death about the little and big lies and how justice and mercy are simple human constructs and that in return we are basically responsible for our own happiness/misery. Since they made a movie, here exactly what I meant: Deaths speech
I only read discworld and some others from Pratchett and love them. Are the books with Baxter any good?
I admit I’m currently staying in a hotel room with an AC turned on (and happy about it). But still, I find it funny not thinking about how to avoid/isolate against the heat/cold rather than running a heat pump generating more heat overall and costing a shitton of money.
I’m a sucker for low profile… The Kaihl choc v2 are working pretty good. No binding on these. Also the idea to build it with sockets (unlike the Ferris sweep) already payed off. I tried the 20 grams linear ones and had to switch to 50 grams. I sometimes pressed switches when simply resting my hands on the keyboard. But you can account that to user error. ;)