The russian space program is’nt what it used to be.
The russian space program is’nt what it used to be.
I understand why they are used in movies. My question was where that came from, whether this was a thing Americans actually do irl and if that is the case why they do it.
Thankbyou for your answer. In this movie it does not affect the plot.But it is also something one only ever sees in us movies so I wondered if this was something Americans did IRL.
Maybe american viewers will be so kind as to tell us in what kind of context they do see ribbons in real life and even post a few pictures?
It would only tell you whether air is flowing, not whether that air is hot or cold.
Whether the air is running or not is irrelevant to this scene, die example. So that is why I wondered whether it wasbrrue that there were ribbons everywhere on vents in the US.
It is strictly irrelevant to this scene, for example.
Whether the air is blowing or not is strictly irrelevant to this scene. something has been hidden inside the vent which the protagonist is about to find out when the picture was taken. We will never come back to this bathroom later. As a matter of fact it would have made sense if the ribbons were not floating and the object was big enough to obstruct the vent, but this is not the case here.
I am fairly well traveled. I know mostly countries in Europe, Latin America and Africa, and I never noticed anyone doing this in any hotel, public building, private house or plane or train… Never been to the US though, so I wondered if it was real thing people do.
Actually in this movie it doesn’t matter. Something has been hidden behind that vent which the protagonist is about to findbout in a second.We will never come back to that bathroom.
The aptly named “The Band”. They are legends in their own right but I feel they are still underestimated in regard to the catalog and their influence. Big Star would be a close second.
Windows 98. Later the first Linux distro I tried was Mandrake Linux but I didn’t really get into it until later with Crunchbang.
“I know this sounds horrible, but do you know how hard it is not to have ill feelings toward a kid? How hard it is not to be upset at Jaxon? Do you know how hard it is?”
It should really not be hard at all. As a matter of fact it shouldn’t even cross your mind. Your father killed your daughter by negligence. Be mad at him. Be mad at your boyfriend who leaves a loaded gun in his car door. And be mad at yourself for being that much of an ammosexual you’d rather blame you toddler for killing his sister than admit you might have a gun problem in your goddamn family.
I know CPS sucks in the USA but nonetheless I hope CPS monitors how things are going with Jaxon and his nutcase of a mom.