I dunno, as a non-empty subset of “people”, I want more than rage. I want action. Spare me your tears, spare me your anguish, spare me your irascible outcry. Arrest the people breaking federal laws every single day, and if no action is taken by those who have abdicated their duty, ensure they abdicate their posts, through main force if necessary.
Given who’s funding the AI, a perverse instantiation or infrastructure profusion failure mode is far more likely
Imagine if the butter robot from rick and morty really takes its purpose “to pass butter” to heart, and concludes that, in order to maximize the degree to which it succeeds in passing butter, it must hack and reorient the world economy to make as much butter as possible, and further apportioning resources to improve its ability to pass butter en-masse, then it just goes full “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream”, but it imprisons a few people and just passes the ever-growing amount of butter between them
My dude, I’m in america.
I’m sorry, using the place where English came from as an example of modern English usage is somehow against some imaginary rule of argument? What a take.
Haha, ahh Fogbank, we hardly knew ye
Is this sarcasm? They fired 350+ workers in charge of overseeing the nuclear stockpile before they even knew who they were firing, and nothing happened. To pretend that there is some line in the sand is, at this point, naive.
From polygon, and now on Dropout. He’s the new fact checker on Um, Actually.
Did you forget to close your sarcasm HTML tag? Can’t tell if Poe’s law applies here.
Which community? I’ll spend my unbanned account posting that you’re over here on Lemmy.
Welcome, sibling! I came over in the rush after the reddit API debacle. Some things I’ve learned in the last year:
We may not have Sprog here yet, but get to know the environment, including colorful fauna such as:
The vast majority of posts are made by, like, ten people, and I’m pretty sure they never sleep. I’m currently unconvinced that Flying Squid isn’t just a full colony of Humboldt Squid, constantly ramming into a giant submerged keyboard.
As far as controversies: Avoid the “tankies”. You will find them on Hexbear, Lemmy.ml, and lemmygrad. They will not be going away, since the original creator of Lemmy is, apparently, one of them, and seems kind of mad with power. They treat with no man, and are willing to do anything to convince you that authoritarianism is good, as long as it calls itself “socialism”. One would think they would have learned their lesson from “National Socialism”… They apparently have not. Not everyone from those servers is a tankie, but most tankies are on those servers. Think of Tankies as the lemmy subspecies of those trolls you shouldn’t be feeding.
Contribute to discussions! Especially on a place as small as Lemmy, lurking actively harms the community! Unlike most places, it’s generally fairly easy to figure out who’s being disingenuous and arguing in bad faith, and most people are very reasonable! (As long as you never say anything bad about Linux. Be forewarned. Do not engage unless your autonomic nervous system runs Arch)
Totally fair. As a student of ancient languages, I primarily think of it in terms of language development and archeology, so I can certainly see why its modern connotation would be spurned. I think that, since the term’s misuse came out of the bullshit archeology of Nazi Germany, it’s better to air it out for the bullshit it is.
Consider also that “Semitic” is a philological term for the languages of the varied peoples of the Arabian peninsula and the Levant, so for an Israeli politician to claim that Palestinians are “antisemitic” is hilariously stupid. There are a lot of uses of these old archeological terms and symbols that got corrupted when the Nazis first did their Nazi thing, and my hope is to disempower their rhetoric by contributing to the disempowerment of the bullshit they spawned.
I personally think it’s just hilarious that the term for “white, blonde, and blue-eyed” among racial purists literally refers to a heritage that virtually cannot be further from their supposed “ideal”. It is for this reason that I correct people, because it is just another case of Nazis and White Supremacists showing that not only do they know nothing, they actively look less intelligent with every word they spew. The more people who realize that the Nazis are wrong, the better. In the case of the thread OP to whom I replied, it seemed like an opportunity to pass on this tidbit, because their stance makes me think that they and I are like-minded in our opinion of Nazi idiocy.
To be fair, since we’re talking about their historical militarism, we can definitively blame the French for being the reason English is so hard to learn and is an inconsistent, bad language all-around. Never forget 1066. Also, before we get the circlejerk going, let’s remember that the French government plays dirty just like everyone else, like their insanely unethical nuclear testing in the pacific and their later state-directed terrorism against new Zealand in an attempt to continue said nuclear malfeasance.
ETA: (To be clear, as an american, I’d much rather be French right about now, but we need to be realistic. All humans are crappy in large groups when given unchecked power. I just want to be clear we should be hailing the French people, not the French government)
Like most meat, actually composting bodies would require a very hot composting temperature, constant mixing, and you’d want to put it through a grinder first, or else it won’t properly mix. Especially in the case of bones, those really need to be ground down so they can properly decompose.
Hypothetically, of course.
Thanks, now how do I start? I know nothing about IRC. What is a FOSS client I can use? What are the limitations?
Agree with your sarcasm, but Poe’s Law applies. Always close your sarcasm HTML tag.
Not disagreeing with you, but we really need to stop letting “Aryan” mean what the Nazis decided it should mean. Aryan is, and always has been, a term for the Indo-Iranian languages. As scientists, we need to be the first to take it back to its actual meaning.
Just saying that, if they are sapient, you’d basically be doing an Oompa Loompa to the elephants.
I always appreciate another name to add to the block list. Get thee gone, thou vitriolic waste of bytes, thou fallacy-made-manifest, born of what can only be an unloving and deeply stupid progenitor.