I watched the first 4 episodes of so, couldn’t get into it. Comedy didn’t land for me and the fights are fine, but not enough to hold me.
I watched the first 4 episodes of so, couldn’t get into it. Comedy didn’t land for me and the fights are fine, but not enough to hold me.
I mean I’d expect Arch to be the ecchi connoisseur.
You never know, you could turn out to be the most important person in the universe. Happened to me once, you know. Wouldn’t recommend it.
Yeah no worries Gentoo is not the biggest distro and isn’t terribly approachable. I’m a longtime Arch user and Gentoo is still a little intimidating.
I have a Nerdfont in use, which has many nerdy things in the font as emoji. Turns out MyAnimeList uses this symbol, which in the Nerdfont is the Gentoo logo, for when they lock a thread. Just a coincidence but it leads to a lot of Gentoo logos all over controversial anime discussions.
Lol it’s Gushing Over Magical Girls
No Maggie, not Aztec, Olmec. Ol-mec.
You may enjoy Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine. They do a lot of history stuff but as time has gone on it has more and more been about current events, exploring the history and science behind these grifts. Not exactly what you’re asking for, but Dr. Sydnee is one of my leftist role models and I think they do great work to identify and explain these things to laypeople.
Southern California English. I never realized how often I used “dude”, “man”, and “like” until I spent a few years in the Midwest. Also “rad”.
Transformers: The Movie (1986).
God, Mirror Kira was a… Formative awakening for me at like 10. Might be responsible for some bad decisions later in life.
Kira in general might have been my first real celebrity crush. I just want strong petite women to be mean to me, is that so much to ask? 😭
This happened a while ago. I’ve been using broflix.cc as a replacement.
A testament to Matt Groening’s excellent character design, lol. Instantly recognizable even here.
The Smallest Church in Saint-Saëns
Kikuri is my favorite.
New season of Bocchi the Rock announced today!
I can’t even keep up with the movies and TV shows I want to watch.
Spaceballs over Blazing Saddles?
Mullholland Drive is fucking fantastic and I almost put it on the list over Blue Velvet. I’m sure this will forever be debated by film nerds as long film nerds continue to exist. There’s something about that heightened, unreal 80’s vibe in Blue Velvet, plus what a fuckin’ cast. I also like the “dark side of a quaint small town” theme, which reminds me of his work in Twin Peaks a bit, where Mullholland Drive feels more like he’s expressing more a criticism(?) of the place Hollywood occupies in the cultural consciousness. I’m a sucker for a suburban dystopia, it feels more relatable. Ultimately though, Mullholland Drive feels like a second take on the same kind of ideas, and it’s glossier and more plotty, but I personally I like the smaller, more raw version. Lynch was a master of the medium and almost all of his films are either outright masterpieces or at least incredibly artistic curiosities.
This is genuinely upsetting. Bravo.