• @jballsOP
    23 months ago

    What’s interesting is it doesn’t appear to be a just my PC issue. Last night we were in a game (me and a friend plus two randos) and me and the random crashed at the same time. I wasn’t the one hosting, so not sure what would have caused that.

    • @arudesalad
      23 months ago

      Updates can sometimes mess up files, if verifying doesn’t work like the other commenters said, then you can try a fix I did. Open the game’s local files then uninstall the game, there will still be some files left over (from the anti cheat), delete those, you may have to kill something in the task manager, then reinstall the game. I haven’t crashed since I did this in the patch that added the new weather stuff

      • @jballsOP
        23 months ago

        I just verified files and had one messed up. Will try playing tonight and see if that helped!